We learned another new sound today, it’s “m”. We loved singing the song & doing the action as mmmm rubbing our tummy. We had lots of practice on “m”sound. We made colourful paper mats with patterns made with m sound. We have also started blending the sounds & making words. We are really getting good at it!
Category: Uncategorized
Let’s play Lego
A new Lego box arrived today in our class & everyone was super excited. It was our favourite activity so far as we were doing problem solving by trial & error, creating towers and our imaginative worlds!
Mrs Patra was surprised to see our imagination, creativity & teamwork.
Outdoor Maths
New Sound
Today we learned a new sound “r”. We watched the r story & sang the song. There were lots of fun activities on r sound. We practised writing r on the smart screen, made the r grass for the rabbit & also did colouring /cutting rocket worksheet.
More counting!
We love counting different loose parts, like pebbles, marbles, small toys and blocks. Mrs Patra showed us how to play counting the dots of the lady bird game on the smart screen. We also played matching games. We were great in taking turns!
Look at how creative we are!
Funny Money activities
We are getting better at coin recognition. We have been working on different coins, we know what to look for- the colour, shape & the numbers written on the coin to recognise the coin. We made some coin caterpillars, played money sorting games & also did some role play as shop keeper & customer. We love singing the money song. We had great fun!
Learning through play
In Literacy, we are working on sound recognition and letter formation. We have been using Jolly Phonics as we love singing the songs! We were also using magnetic letters to make simple words.
In numeracy, we are learning the numbers with El Nombre! We have been working on number recognition & counting from 1 to 20. We also did some exercises and dance movements as we were counting. It was great fun!
First week in P 1.1
In our first week, we had lots of fun. We were trying to settle into the school routine. We are getting better at putting our lunch bags, snacks, water bottles & folders in the right places.