Math is fun!

In maths, we never say “I can’t”, we always say “I’ll try”. This week we worked hard on number formation. We practised writing on the smart board, on mini white boards & even tried writing on foam. It was messy, but fun! We danced as we counted numbers, 1 to 20 & also sang the subitizing song. Today we started working on the number families of 1 to 5. It was bit tricky but managed to do it. We are going to work more on it next week as we know “Practice makes perfect”.

Number time

Today we  worked really hard in our number time. We did forward & backward counting, what number comes next, one more than

& even wrote the calculation for simple addition! We played counting & matching the spots of ladybird game. We were waiting patiently for our turns. We are really getting good at it!

Dino activities

We have been learning about dinosaurs in our class. We know lots of dino facts now & we did some art activities with our dino theme today. We also played the dino snap game & solved dino puzzles. It was a great team work!

Outdoor maths

We had great fun during outdoor maths today. First we went on a number hunt game with our partners & collected different objects that matched our number cards. We were collecting leaves, little stones, sticks & even feathers! It was quite tricky to keep all the items on the cards in strong wind. We also practiced number formation with chalk on the ground & did some amazing calculations!

Counting with Lego

As Lego is one of the popular play activities in our class, Mrs Patra let us make towers with the Lego blocks. We chose a number & made the tower that matched with the number. It was quite tricky as we had to count each block very carefully to make the big towers. We were very good in counting!

D for dinosaur

We worked on the sound “d” and found out that we have some budding palaeontologists in our class. As we were quite interested in dinosaurs, we all decided to change our stage area into Jurassic Park! We will be doing lots of fun activities with our dino theme.

Number time

In maths, we practiced counting 1 to 20. It was fun, counting & doing exercise at the same time! We made human a number line & played the find your number partner game. Mrs Patra didn’t tell us anything, but we managed to find our number partners & stand in the right order. We are getting good at sequencing & counting!

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