The Weather

Yesterday in class we checked the weather forecast to see when this week to plan our outdoor maths activities. We used the Met Office site and this lead to great excitement amongst the children who wanted to know what the weather was like in various places around the world.


As they requested here is a link to the site so that they can explore weather around the world in more detail


The Met Office

Minibeast nature art

After being so enthusiastic last week as we found and analysed mini beasts, We decided to make some of our own this week using natural materials.

We spoke about how we must look after our environment, so we shouldn’t pick lots of anything, only what we need. We took time to check that there was plenty of whatever we picked left growing too. We also had a look at the detail in some of the plants that are growing in the school grounds. We noticed the clover has three leaves in each little section, and we thought they might be great for joining together to make a caterpillar.

Firstly we worked in pairs to collect items and make mini beasts on our display boards.

After playtime we made our very own mini beasts by gluing items onto a small piece of paper. I am sure you will agree they are marvellous and so creative!

Designing Our Adventure Playground

We had had a meeting with a lovely engineer (Fiona) who told us all about her work at Network Rail.  It looked at a really cool job.

We decided to be like the engineers and create a 3D solid adventure playground.

We used art straws, string and blu tak and looked at how to create solid structures to make them stand.

First Day Back

We had a brilliant first day back after Lockdown.  We were all so happy to see each other and the day was spent playing and socialising and feeling happy again.  We built Lego creations, read books, did craft, coloured and created 3D structures.  We also did a bit of phonics and maths.  But the highlight of the day was playing in the field for the afternoon.  we climbed trees, made a pretend campfire, walked about with enormous branches, balanced on branches and discovered a whole world of minibeasts.  So much learning outdoors in the lovely sunshine.

Unfortunately, Mrs Arbuckle didn’t take any photos!  So unlike her!  She was too busy enjoying being back with the children and playing alongside them. : )

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