
Comet Class- 13/11/20

Comet class were learning all about Remembrance day. We looked at why the poppy is such an important symbol and how different people remember. We made our own poppy wreaths and everyone was a responsible citizen by laying them at the cenotaph on the smartboard.

Later in the  week we made a tasty fruit salad. We chopped up bananas, oranges, kiwis, grapes and apples and mixed it all together. Everyone was an effective contributor by preparing different fruits for their friends


Jungle Book-IDL

The Comets have been completing interdisciplinary learning this term through our Jungle Book theme. We all really enjoyed completing lots of different activities. Here are just a few of the things we got up to!

Literacy- We experienced the Jungle Book story by reading, listening, watching and acting it out. After we knew the story everyone was a successful learner by being able to recognise and match each character to the correct image.

Art- Making our Jungle Book wall display was the favourite activity for lots of pupils and everyone was an effective contributor  We made trees from tissue paper, cut out leaves from card, used feathers to make bids and paper plates to make elephants. The final display was amazing!

Science-We learnt all about the different types of plants you could find in different jungle and even tried to make our own from play-doh. Afterwards we compared these plants to ones we might find in Scotland. We learnt that they are very different and everyone was a responsible citizen by helping to look after the plants in the garden.

Health and Wellbeing-  ‘The Bare Necessities’ was our favourite song from the Jungle Book and everyone enjoyed dancing to it! We then looked at what the bare necessities meant by learning all about needs an wants. Everyone was great and separating their needs and wants- despite some arguing that sweets and computer games are definitely a need!

Science- Making Jungle slim was lots of fun but very messy. Everyone was able to a confident individual  by helping  measure out the correct amount of cornflour and water needed, then mix it all together. Pupils got to choose what colour they wished to make their slime.



Confident  individuals and Successful learners

The Comet class have had lots of fun getting into the Halloween Spirit this week. We had a magic lessons on Tuesday when we learnt how to make potions. We mixed our magic potion juice with common household items to see what colour it would turn.  We all made a prediction for what colour we would see. It was lots of fun but the potion juice smelt very bad!  

On Wednesday it was pumpkin carving day. It was very messy as we all carved and scooped out the pumpkins, there was seeds everywhere! We finished though with 4 very  scary pumpkins to decorate our class with.

And then on Friday we all dressed up in our fantastic costumes and had a super fun day. Happy Halloween everyone!


Pringle building- 23/10/20

Successful Learners

Comet class tried some tricky science today! We were learning all about physics and building. We stacked pringles in different ways to try and make bridges, towers and circles without using any glue! Then we had fun smashing them all at the end!


Autumn is here! -09/10/20

The Comets class have been super busy with lots of different activities this past week.

We have done lots of work looking at the changing season. We know leaves fall from the trees, it gets colder and its pumpkin time! We completed art activities to make hedgehogs out of leaves and we also made pumpkins.

We have also continued to work on our life skills, this week we practiced folding lots of clothes. Everyone did a brilliant job helping to tidy up and fold the clothes away neatly.


MacMillan Coffee Day

We had a great time last Friday decorating biscuits and cakes for MacMillan Coffee Morning. We made faces for our gingerbread body and turned a Swiss roll into a caterpillar cake. More fun was had eating the biscuits and cakes than making them I think!



Comet Class- What we’ve been up to!

It has been great to have the comet class back together after lockdown and the summer holidays. We have been really busy doing lots of different activities.

Life Skills

We have been working hard to develop lots of different life skills. We started by learning and practicing how to properly clean the classroom so that we can help stop the spread of Covid. Everyone was fantastic and cleaning all the surfaces and sweeping the floor.


Another life skill we have been practicing is tying our shoe laces. This has been very challenging but everyone in comet class has been trying really hard to get better.


There have been lots of different art projects on the go so far this year. We have made a Jungle book wall display, sun catchers,  and we are making a Minecraft world out of old cardboard boxes. It has been very messy but lots of fun. 


There have been lots of fun science experiments so far this year as well. below are photos of an experiment we did to see how soap works. We learned that germs don’t like soap and will move away from it. Thats why we need to use soap to wash our hands.


It has been a great couple of weeks in Comet class and everyone is excited for the rest of the year 🙂


Comets 16/06/20

Hi Comets

I hope you are all doing well! I cant believe its the second last week of term, almost time for summer. There are still lots of activities we can fit in though:)

Help Around the House

I know everyone is the comet class is super helpful so we should all do amazing at this activity.  Can you complete as many of the jobs on the list below? I would love to see photos of you doing them!

If you manage to do them all try and think of other ways you can help at home.

Sun Safety

With summer on its way we need to know how to stay safe in the sun. Below is a short story explaining why and how to stay safe from the sun. Next time its sunny I would love to see photos of you putting on your sun cream, wearing a hat, wearing sunglasses and staying in the shade.

Ice lollies

Another way to stay cool in the sun is with ice lollies. And the only thing better than ice lollies is home made ones.

Watch the video below to learn how to make super simple ice lollies!

Stay Safe

Mr Wright



Comets 08/06/20

Hi everyone!

I hope you call had a lovely weekend! I have lots of new activities for you to try this week!

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo is a favourite story of lots of the Comet class. Before we stopped some of us had been practicing signing along to the story, and we were getting really good at it! Use the video below to help sign along to the story, learn some new signs, or just enjoy listening to the story.

There is even this awesome Gruffalo song to try as well!

Chalk Work

If you have some chalk at home there are lots of fun activities you can try. My favourite is to draw a clock face and use sticks to make different times. Can you make all the different O’clocks? What about half past?

I'm a teacher, get me OUTSIDE here!: An outdoor clock | Outdoor ...

When you are finished you can use the chalk to make draw pictures and make colourful patterns.

Chalk art ideas: The best outdoor and chalk art projects for kids ...


I know how hard you have all been working, which is why I think you deserve a treat. I know how much we all enjoyed baking as a class, so why not try it at home. This simple cupcakes are easy to make but super delicious to eat. Give them a go and enjoy your sweet treat at the end 🙂

Stay Safe

Mr Wright


Comets- 01/06/20

Hi Comets

I hope we have all been enjoying the lovely weather over the last week! 🙂

Sports Day

This week would have been our sports days. There were lots of fun races planned but luckily you can still join in! Keep and eye on the blog this week for videos of all the staff taking part in lots of silly races.  You can cheer us on as you watch and then join in. Can you beat us?


I know how good the comet class are at using their makaton signs, but I want you to keep practicing! Use the videos below to help you remember the signs for the days of the week.

Jungle Book Snack

All the hot weather makes me feel like I could be in the jungle from The Jungle Book! Can you help to make a fruity jungle snack and try some new food. Cut up lots of tasty fruit like bananas, oranges, apples, kiwis and much more! You can use whatever you like.  Put in all in a big bowl and enjoy just like King Louis 🙂 I like to listen to the jungle book music while I eat mine as well.


Stay Safe

Mr Wright

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