Happy Birthday Robert Burns!
I hope you are all safe and well. This week our art focus will be related to Robert Burns. Below are a few ideas that you might want to try at home.
Robert Burns is the National Poet of Scotland. He was born on 25th January 1759 and today would have been his birthday. Burns was born in Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland. Some of his most famous poems include To A Mouse, Auld Lang Syne, and Tam o Shanter.
Birthday Card
- The Robert Burns Story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMxIBqpryG0
- Can you design a birthday card for Robert Burns?
- What age would he be if he was alive today? Older than your teachers at school?
Woven Thistle Craft!
Use wool or thread to decorate a paper thistle. Blank templates can be printed here. https://coloring.ws/scotland.htm.
- The Scottish thistle is actually part of the sunflower family. The thistle represents bravery, devotion, durability, strength and determination.
- Have you ever spotted a real Scottish Thistle? Which two colours do you see? I think the real Scottish Thistle would feel jaggy to touch…best to just look from a distance!
Woven Tartan Hearts
- Can you make a woven tartan heart? The template can be downloaded here: https://www.firstpalette.com/printable/heart-basket.html
- Make a few and join them together to create some Robert Burns inspired bunting.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Macdonald