Hi everyone!
Beech ladies here – We have created a short story in video format based upon an activity we have done lots in class.
For this activity, we split into groups and each group is given the responsibility of deciding a key part of a story to help create it. For example, one group or pupil will have a selection of characters, another pupil or group may have some scenes or settings to choose for the story and other groups or pupils will have story problems, solutions and endings to choose from. The idea is to encourage us to use our thinking caps and listening skills (as well as improvisation skills!) to build an imaginative and fun story. This was our version after we rehearsed it a little! Mrs Wilson chose some characters, Mrs Howie made up some settings, Mrs Brady thought of some dilemmas for our characters and then Miss Woodburn thought of solutions for the dilemmas and finally, Mrs Shields gave us our ending.
(P.S The camera flipped after the video downloaded which is why we appear to point in the wrong direction!)
Anyway, we hope it makes you smile #Staysafe
Click here to see the video if you cannot see the play button below
Here is a link to the prompt cards we use in class for this activity.