All posts by Miss O'CONNELL

Tuesday Virtual Class

Can you spot the new objects? Where will they take you… click and see! Some of the original objects have changed activity, other favourites such as the Days of the Week song are still the same! Keep practising! 🙂 I have included a PDF of our Virtual Class as well as the live link, this should hopefully overcome any technical problems. 🙂

Miss O’Connell 🙂

email –

The Virtual Classroom PDF  

Our Week of Learning

Good morning P1/2 pupils and grownups!

Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a safe and pleasant festive period. I will be posting the class work on this page, as well as on the school app. And I will be available on Glow email if you have any questions. 🙂

Below is the main learning for the week,  this includes activities and links. I have suggested tasks for each day, definitely don’t try to complete everything all at once. 🙂

1. Weekly overview and activities

I have also included a suggested timetable, but find a routine that works for you and your family.

2. Suggested Daily Timetable

Your child would normally have a book to read at home, as well as a set of spelling words and sounds to revise for homework through the week. It is important to continue to practise these skills during the week-

3. Home reader and spelling

3a. Primary 1 Reading Book

3b. Primary 2 Reading Book

Finally, here are some other activites and links which will be important to practise and develop throughout the period of home learning… they’re quite fun too! 🙂

4. Fine Motor Skills Activities

5. Indoor and Outdoor Games Ideas

Get Active BINGO

Having fun, playing together and staying active is super important! Enjoy this time together. 🙂

Miss O’Connell

Terrific Thursday

Hi P1/2!

I hope you’re having a good week and getting on well with online learning!

Here is a story for you to read with your grownups today:

The Jolly Christmas Postman

there are some games and activities to do including:

Humpty Dumpty cut your own jigsaw

If you don’t have access to a printer you could draw the Humpty puzzle… or be inspired and create your own!

And some other activity ideas…


Have a fab day! 🙂

Miss O’Connell 🙂

Wonderful Wednesday!

Good morning P1/2,

How are you all? Have you been practising your sounds? What objects have you found in your house with a ‘t’ sound?

Here are the links to some maths work and a booklet that you could use to make a Covid Time Capsule! Once you and your grownups have completed it, you could pop it into a metal tin or secure box and bury it somewhere in your garden… to be opened in a few years!

Maths – Wednesday

My Covid-19 time capsule

Have a great day!

Miss O’Connell 🙂