Homework week beginning 17 January 2022

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all enjoyed at least some of the weekend.

A couple of reminders for our class. If your child has any achievements outside of school that they would like to share please allow them to do this. Mrs McKee loves to get pictures of the children with medals or certificates which she includes in our weekly assemblies and the children really love seeing themselves on our big screen. Also, due to the covid regulations, windows and doors have to be left open as much as possible to ventilate the classrooms resulting in us occasionally being a little colder than we might like so jumpers are a good idea for school.

Gym days continue to be a Tuesday and Friday. Most of the class keep their shorts and gym shoes in class. Could I please ask those that don’t keep their things in school to ensure they come to school with them on these days.

Our homework for this week is slightly different to allow the children time to practise their Scots poems at home in time for next Mondays competition in class. Additionally we have today been given a competition to complete to design a high viz vest. All of the children who wish to take part in this have a sheet in their bag which is to come back to school be Friday 28th January.

Reading homework for this week is as follows:

Book Bandits – A little look at big reptiles

Page Pirates – Zip and Zap meet the Sam

Word Wizards – Be a pirate

Sound Stars – Is Nan In?

Phonics – this week we are learning the sound ew. I have attached the spelling activity grid as a word document and some words the children can use as both a picture and a word document. Please ask your child to complete at least 3 activities from the grid. Nothing needs to be brought in to school to show that the children have done their homework. It allows them the opportunity to consolidate their learning at home and to show you what they have been learning.

january spelling grid

Numeracy – this week the class will be doing some data handling. We will be completing some surveys in class and a traffic survey out in the garden. As I mentioned last week, we will be looking at the places in Scotland that we have visited and to that end it would be really helpful if you could sit down with your child and talk about the names of places you have visited. We have a big map that we will be marking our places on to and will then collate and display the data we generate in a way that the children choose.

As always please get in contact with any issues, concerns or even with happy stories.

Mrs MacNee

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