
Hello everyone

Well what a Monday we have had! Due to the ongoing situation with regards to Covid, we made the decision to record the nativity this morning. None of the class knew this until they came to school today. A number of children had to take on additional roles due to absences but they did this with ease. The children were all fantastic and we look forward to being able to share this with you soon.

Mrs MacNee

Can you help?

Sorry for the weekend post everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any halos that we could borrow for our angels? We’re looking for the one that have a white fluffy halo above a hairband ( I hope that makes sense). If anyone can help Miss Kinnaird and I would be very grateful.

Mrs MacNee

Homework wb 6 December 2021

This will be the last week of homework for our class before Christmas. We are very busy this week with the final rehearsals for our school nativity which will take place next week. Our dress rehearsal will take place on Tuesday (14th) and our performance will be filmed on Wednesday (15th). We will miss having you all there to watch our little stars shine but hopefully you will enjoy the recording when it becomes available. A note will be put into your child’s diary tomorrow informing you of anything they need to bring in for the nativity. Please do not go and buy anything new as we have spare things in school that can be used. Some children will not need to provide anything as we have their costumes here.

If your child will not be attending school on Wednesday 15th, please let me know ASAP.

Reading homework

Our reading homework for this week is:

Book Bandits – Shrek: Can we keep him?

Page Pirates – Bug Boy: Slug picnic

Word Wizards – Animal babies

Sound stars – Nod

The children who were given an additional book last week to complete can continue to work on this book this week as I am aware that not everyone was able to complete this.

Literacy homework

This week is a consolidation week for our phonics and common words. Therefore repeating the activities and words from the last three weeks will allow the children to increase their fluency.

Numeracy homework

In class our numeracy is continuing to look at money. It is hoped that later in the week we will also be able to complete a traffic survey outside but this is weather dependent.

I have provided a link to an online game where the children can pay for items and give change. The game has different levels. I would appreciate it if all children could start at the easiest levels to allow you and them to see how strong their understanding of these tricky concepts are before progressing to levels that they find challenging but not too difficult.

Mrs MacNee


In our science this week we had a discussion around electric cars, scooters and bike. We decided to discover how these things might work! Through lots of testing and determination we all managed to create a circuit.

Mrs Smith.