Homework WB 29/11

Reading homework

Our reading homework for this week is:

Book Bandits – Football

Page Pirates – Rainbows

Word Wizards – Eco Apes Save Water

Sound stars – Homework to be given out tomorrow

Some members of the class have been given an extra book this week which is slightly harder to challenge them. I have spoken to these children individually and I will meet with them later in the week to review these books.

Literacy homework

This week our class is learning the sound oi. I have attached the grid from which your child can choose activities to practice these sounds. Many of these activities can be done using the magnetic boards the children were given last year. If you would like to provide your child with further challenge, ask them to make other words they can think of using the aw sound. Below are some oi words for practicing at home along with this weeks common words.

november spelling grid

Numeracy homework

In class we are continuing to use money in our numeracy. We can recognise all coins in our system and add together small amounts of money. We have found working out change that can be given when making small purchases and deciding what coins to use when paying for an item to be tricky and will focus further on these this week. The class will be working out change from 10p, 20p, 50p and £1. This ensures that everyone finds some level of challenge in their work.

I am providing the same top marks games as last week to allow the children to build their confidence in these concepts.



As a reminder, there is an East Ayrshire Sumdog competition this week which I ask you to encourage your child to take part in. When I checked the leader board this morning, one of the Gargieston classes was sitting in first position!

Mrs MacNee


Primary 7 are organising a reverse advent calendar for the food bank.   Primary 2 are taking part.

During the month of December, we are asking your child to bring in one non-perishable food item to give to Ayrshire East Food Bank. Every child will receive a number and this will correspond with a date up to the 17th of December. Therefore, if they are number one they will bring their item on the 1st of December and so on. If their number falls on a Saturday or Sunday, they will bring it in on a Monday. Your child received their number today via their diary. If they did not have their diary it is on a sticky label in their bag. 

We would really appreciate your help with this as we know some families will be struggling over Christmas time.

Thank you for your help.

Floating and sinking

We have been learning about floating and sinking. We learned about the word buoyancy and looked and why some things float and other sink.
We designed an experiment to test items.
We also designed our own boats and then made models to test. It took us a wee while to perfect our design. We had to make quite a lot of changes but we got there in the end. Niamh was first to get her boat to float on the water.

Mrs Smith

Sumdog Competition

From today (Friday) until next Thursday 2nd December at 8pm our school has been entered into an East Ayrshire Sumdog competition. The class can access this at any time and we will be checking the leaderboard in class throughout next week.

Homework wb 22/11/21

Thank you to those everyone for taking the time to speak with me last week during our parent appointments. I enjoyed speaking with each of you. If you did not receive a call last week but would like to discuss your child’s progress, please contact the school office and this can be arranged.

Reading homework

Our reading homework for this week is:

Book Bandits – Zeke goes to Space school

Page Pirates – Pippa’s Pets: Lost Dog

Word Wizards – Lots of Legs

Sound stars – Is Nan In?

To help build fluency with reading, the book should ideally be read each night of the week. If anyone has issues accessing bug club at home please let me know and I will send home paper copies of books where I can and provide your child the opportunity to complete the bugs within the books in class.

Literacy homework

This week our class is learning the sound aw. I have attached the grid from which your child can choose activities to practice these sounds. Many of these activities can be done using the magnetic boards the children were given last year. If you would like to provide your child with further challenge, ask them to make other words they can think of using the aw sound. Below are some aw words for practicing at home along with this weeks common words.

november spelling grid

Numeracy homework

In class we are moving on to use money in our numeracy. We will be recognising all coins in our system as well as adding together small amounts of money, working out change that can be given when making small purchases and deciding what coins to use when paying for an item. The class will be working out change from 10p, 20p, 50p and £1. This ensures that everyone finds some level of challenge in their work.

The children can get some more practise using top marks on the links below. While I encourage everyone to challenge themselves, if you find your child is struggling try taking them back a level and work towards the harder levels.



I would also recommend Sum Dog as a good way of the children building on their numeracy skills at home. All log ins for this system are in the front of the children’s jotters.

Mrs MacNee

Homework wb 15 November

Reading homework

Our reading homework for this week is:

Book Bandits – Grow it back

Page Pirates – My Pony Book

Word Wizards – See like me

Sound stars – please check your child’s bag for homework (this should be returned on a Friday)

To help build fluency with reading, the book should ideally be read each night of the week. If anyone has issues accessing bug club at home please let me know and I will send home paper copies of books where I can and provide your child the opportunity to complete the bugs within the books in class.

Spelling homework

This week our class is learning the sound ue. I have attached the grid from which your child can choose activities to practice these sounds. Many of these activities can be done using the magnetic boards the children were given last year. If you would to provide your child with further challenge, ask them to make other words they can think of using the ue sound. Below are the ue words we will be practicing in class along with this weeks common words.

november spelling grid

Numeracy homework

In class we are revising some concepts we have already covered such as sequencing numbers to 100, putting numbers in order from smallest to biggest. We are also going to be looking at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and recognising and matching numbers in words to the number.

The children can get some more practise using top marks on the link below.


I would also recommend Sum Dog as a good way of the children using their numeracy skills at home. All log ins for this system are in the front of the children’s jotters.

Mrs MacNee

Remembrance day

Today our class learned about Remembrance Day, why and how it is marked by people in the UK. The whole school observed a 1 minute silence at 11am. Our class stood to do this as a mark of respect. We had a very interesting conversation where we found that some of us had relatives who have died fighting in a war.

We made our own poppies which have all come home to you. Some of the class may wish to put them in their garden to show that they are remembering those who have died for our country in wars.

Mrs MacNee

Homework WB 8th November

Hello everyone, I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. We are raring to go this week with another busy week of learning in Primary 2.

Reading homework

Our reading homework for this week is:

Book Bandits – Jay and Sniffer – The Bike Race

Page Pirates – Shaun the Sheep – You are my Mum

Word Wizards – Rat and Cat in The Hat Trick

Sound stars – please check your child’s bag for homework

To help build fluency with reading, the book should ideally be read each night of the week. If anyone has issues accessing bug club at home please let me know and I will send home paper copies of books where I can and provide your child the opportunity to complete the bugs within the books in class.

Spelling homework

This week our class is consolidating our recent learning of the sounds ow (as in snow), ea (as in leaf) and ay. I have attached the grid from which your child can choose activities to practice these sounds. Many of these activities can be done using the magnetic boards the children were given last year. If you would to provide your child with further challenge, ask them to make other words they can think of using the ow sound.

november spelling grid

Numeracy homework

In class we are continuing to work on addition to 20. I have assigned all of the children a numeracy game on bug club. There are three levels to this game. The children may benefit from having something with them they can count to help find the answers. As with reading, the more the children practise these calculations the better their fluency and recall will become.

The children can get some more practise using top marks on the link below.


Mrs MacNee


During our Autumn topic learning next week we are hoping to do some art with leaves. Would it be possible for the children to bring in 2 leaves that they have collected from outside? Any size, shapes or colours are welcome – in fact the more variety we have the more interesting our display will become.

Thanks Mrs MacNee