School Meals Mascot Competition

I know that many of our class enjoy drawing so I thought this competition may be of interest to them.

East Ayrshire Council’s Catering Services team is running an exciting competition for all primary school age children in East Ayrshire.

The team would like children from your school to design a new mascot to represent and promote healthy school meals and to encourage children and young people across East Ayrshire to make healthy choices. The mascot can be absolutely anything, the more imaginative the better! It could be a vegetable, a fruit, an animal or an explorer or an astronaut or a knight…

The team would also like to know the mascot’s favourite school meal and it doesn’t have to be something that is already on the menu.

The competition is open now and will close on Friday 29 April.

If anyone would like to take part they can bring their entry to me at school and I will make sure it gets to the correct place.

Mrs MacNee

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