Homework 27/09/21

Good afternoon everyone, hopefully you have had an enjoyable weekend.

Phonics homework this week will follow a similar theme to before where the children can choose activities from the attached list. In class this week we are going over what we have done so far in primary 2  so there are a number of different phonemes being used in their words. If you are looking to extend their learning any, I would suggest asking them to write words they can think of using the sounds oy, qu, ck, sh, ch, ng, th, wh, ph, oa, ai, ee, oo or even spotting them in their environment. Please do not feel you need to send this work in to me. If your child would like to show what they have been doing I will happily look over it with them but until I issue homework jotters there is no requirement for this.

Active Spelling Homework

Reading homework has been allocated on Bug Club. This will not be gone over in class until tomorrow (Tuesday) so if I could ask that the children do not complete it until then. There have been a few changes within the reading groups with some children showing that they were ready to move up levels. 3 children have changed reading group – if this affects your child I have written it in their yellow diary today.

This weeks books are:

Book Bandits – Zip and Zap at the Zoo

Page Pirates – Draw with Penny

Word Wizards – King Pip and the Wish

Sound Stars – Cookies

I have also allocated children books that they have not had the opportunity to access yet for them to read at their leisure. This may be useful to form part of a nightly reading routine.

Numeracy homework will be distributed tomorrow and will take the form of a worksheet that your child can complete and return to me on Friday this week.

As always, if you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via the yellow diaries or by seeing me at the door at 3pm.

Mrs MacNee

Homework wb 20/09/21

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a restful September weekend. Our class was back and busy as always today, I don’t think we stopped all day so you may have some tired children tonight.

Homework this week will be a little different to allow our class the opportunity to reorganise our reading groups. In class we have been working on writing sentences which fits in with the whole school focus on writing. Today we were concentrating on writing sentences that make sense and that is the homework they will have for this week. On Bug Club, I have assigned all of the class a game called Making Sentences. I have also assigned the Book Bandits a game called Putting Sentences Together.

If anyone has any issue accessing Bug Club at home please let me know and I will support your child with this in school.

Mrs MacNee


Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you had a nice weekend. With the September weekend coming up we are only in class for four days this week and four days next week.

Our homework for this week will be spelling and reading. I will begin to distribute numeracy homework after the holiday weekend.

In our literacy this week we are revising four phonemes – wh, ph, ee and oo. Below you will find the homework words and the homework grid. Could the class please complete 2 or 3 activities from the grid to aid them with their revision.

Active Spelling Homework

Reading books are currently distributed in class on a Tuesday. Books for this week will be:

Book Bandits: Senses

Page Pirates: Rat and Cat, Let’s Jump

Word Wizards: Timmy wants to win

Sound Stars: Hop, Swim and Run

As always if anyone wishes to contact me regarding anything please do sot through your the class diaries which will be in bags most nights, seeing me at the door at 3pm or by contacting the school office.


Mrs MacNee


Good afternoon everyone,

Our homework for this week is spelling practice and bug club reading. This week we are revising the phonemes th and ng as well as revising some of our common words. To help the children with this I have attached a grid from which they can choose two or three activities to complete for their words.

Active Spelling Homework

If I could suggest that the children in the Word Wizards and Sound Stars complete all of the common words and the first three words from each of the phoneme lists. However, if your child wishes to practice more words than that then please encourage them. The children in the Book Bandits and the Page Pirates should try to practice all of the words. The class know which groups they are in but if there are any issue please get in touch.

Additionally, the children have all been assigned a new bug club reading book which we have gone over today in class. Hopefully this will be hassle free for everyone this week after one groups book being removed from the system last week after I had assigned it to them!

Thank you

Mrs MacNee

Monday 6th September – Science

Our new topic is Autumn Wildlife. Today we investigated the differences between living and non living things. We made some guesses using pictures in class and gave the reasons for our answers, using our incorrect answers to help us learn. Then we went to the outdoor classroom to investigate what living and non living things we could find there. We found living things such as flowers, grass, trees and leaves in the garden and had great fun bringing them to Mrs MacNee. We found non living things like fences, planters, the school building and the tarmac path. We had great fun.

2D Shape

We have been learning about 2D shapes. Can you spot any shapes at home? We all know what a circle, square, rectangle and triangle look like but can we find any pentagons, hexagons and octagons?

Mrs Smith