Tag: RRS

Anti-Bullying Week 2020 – ‘United Against Bullying’


We launched ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ on Monday 16th November 2020 by asking pupils and staff to wear ‘Odd Socks’. We shared the message that we are ‘All Different, All Equal’.

During the week we explored what bullying is, different types of bullying, how it makes people feel and what we can do to help those who are being bullied.

We explored the theme through Drama, Art, discussions and much much more!

RRS Article 2: We have the right to be free of discrimination. This applies to ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities, whatever they think or say or whatever their family background.

Harvest at Onthank 2020


Last year some kind people donated tins of food to the school. The children at Onthank sent them round the local community as we learned about Harvest, friendship and community spirit.

Some tasty food parcels were gratefully received and some people even said it made their day and brought a smile to their face.

Due to Covid-19 we have made safety rules to keep everyone safe. We are still celebrating Harvest while giving members a happy experience.

If you would like to give us any ideas on how to celebrate Harvest this year please do the following:

  • Please leave your donations at the front of our school gates in the lunch trollies which have labels on them.
  • Our lunch trollies will be at the gates from Monday 5th October – Friday 9th October for your donations.
  • We would like you to donate tins of food and food which does not go out of date quickly.
  • Donations will self-isolate in the school in the October holiday and be cleaned before we make our parcels.

Food parcels will be made and safely given around the houses leaving them at doors and paths with an Onthank Primary card.

Thank you for your support to help make a difference at Onthank Primary.

Stay safe.

Rights Respecting School Article 27

“Your right to a good standard of living”

Written by: RRS Chair: Jennifer A, RRS Vice Chair: Daniel H & Secretary: Jessica A