P5i had fun taking part in today’s challenge and came up with some interesting catapults. Danyal, Matthew, Ellie and Mia came up with the winning design. Their catapult sent a mini marshmallow flying through the air and landing 330cms away from the starting point.
Well done everyone. And thanks to the parents who came along. They seemed to enjoy being part of the challenge too.
Spelling – Phoneme worksheet and Chilli Challenge in homework jotter.
Maths – Active Maths games again this week (please let your teacher know as soon as possible if you can’t access your account).
Knights and Castles topic grid – choose at least one activity to complete by Wednesday 10th October. Be prepared to show your work and discuss it with your peers.
Thank you.
Here are the Knights and Castles topic grid choices.
1.Make a 3D model of a castle .
You can choose which type of castle you would like to make. Remember to include the different features we have explored in class.
Be ready to describe how you made it when showing the class.
2.Make one piece of armour, e.g. the helmet.
Be ready to explain how you made it when showing it to the class.
3.Make a small replica of a medieval weapon.
Make sure you have adult supervision and it cannot hurt anyone.
4. Research a castle from Scotland and choose your own method of presenting the information.
5. Research a famous knight, real or mythical, e.g. King Arthur. Choose your own method of presenting the information.
6.Create a fact file or book about castles. Think about including the non-fiction text features we have discussed in class.
7.Write a song, story or poem about a castle or create dance.
Perform it to the class.
8.Create a game based on a castle or medieval theme.
It can be a board game or a sporty game.
Write a set of instructions and teach it to the class.
9. Free choice – can you think of a project or activity that shows off your knowledge of castles and the medieval period? No need to write it down. Just bring it in to show the class.
P5B have been learning about positive attitudes, emotions and growth mindset throughout their health and wellbeing topic. This afternoon we took part in a yoga exercise where we focussed on calming strategies as well as discussing our emotions on a daily basis.