P5i update

Tomorrow, children will receive learning packs with resources for them to use at home.  The starter pack will contain resources for maths and language and other curricular areas. There are also many useful websites with lots of educational ideas and lessons should you wish to use them.

Children should have all log in details required for school websites. If not, please contact me so this can be sorted.

Please log in to Glow and our Teams page for regular updates and resources.

Please note:                                                                                                                             Children will be taking their castles home with them at the end of the day.

Mrs Irving



7 thoughts on “P5i update”

  1. If Rowan is not back, can this be uplifted from the office please?
    I collected her report card, a jotter and a book today.

  2. Hello Mrs Irving,

    Could you please reset Calum’s GLOW login. He knows his username but has forgotten his password. Thank you very much for preparing the learning packs. I will ask someone to pick this up from the office for him.


    1. Bug Club usernames are children’s first and second names. Password is bug. Code is kg9j.
      Glow user names all begin with gw then 2 digits followed by their name. The password is glow5 for all P5 children.

      1. Thanks very much for your help Mrs Irving. I’ll get Calum to login. The learning pack has been picked up and looks brilliant! Thanks so much again. This has been such a tight turnaround and we really appreciate everyone’s efforts.

  3. Learning packs are available from the front office.
    If you would like to collect castles and shields they can be sent to office for collection too.

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