Here at Nether Robertland Primary, we pride ourselves on being a Gold Rights Respecting School, where everyone feels empowered, confident and encouraged to use their voice. Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. In school, we explore rights to help us raise awareness of injustice in the world and discover the importance of fairness, dignity, equality and respect.

Using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as our guide, we create safe and inspiring learning spaces, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and pupils are able to thrive. Being a Rights Respecting School means we embed these values in daily school life and give everyone the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.  

The Rights Respecting Schools leadership group have been busy this year overseeing lots of events including Children in Need, the Reverse Advent Calendar, Internet Safety Day and Comic Relief. From gunging the teacher to pupil talent shows, we have had great fun exploring rights.  

As well as this we have been learning about rights in class with a focus each month on a specific right. The rights we have focused on this year include: 

Article 12 – respect for the views of the child 

Article 16 – right to privacy 

Article 17 –right to get information as long as it is safe 

Article 31 – right to rest, play and take part in a wide range of cultural activities 

Article 42 – know about your rights









We are continuing to focus on an article of the month this session. The articles we will be focusing on are:

Article – Everyone under 18 has these rights. The governments should make sure that all these rights are available to all children.

Article – We have the right to special care and support if we have a special need.

Article – We have the right to be protected during a war and not to be allowed to fight in the army if we are under 15.

Article – We have the right to relax and play.

Article – We have the right to say what we think should happen and be listened to.

Article – We have the right to be looked after and kept safe from harm.

Article – We have the right to become the best we can be.

Article – All children have these rights, no matter what.

Article – We have the right to meet with friends and join groups and clubs.


We took part in Christmas Jumper Day 2023 to raise money for Save the Children charity, their mission is to make sure all children are safe, healthy and learning. Thank you to everyone that joined in and donated, we were able to raise £134.50 through the kind donations of children and their careers.



Our Rights Respecting Schools pupil leadership group organised a design a t-shirt competition for our mascot, Ralphie. We are delighted to share that the winning design was complete by Angus in P2. Well done Angus! It was a difficult choice as they were many fabulous designs.

Thank you for all your generous donations, the Rights Respecting Schools group are happy to announce we have raised £180 for Comic Relief, as always we are extremely grateful for your support. 



The RRS group have planned a Christmas Jumper day this Thursday 7th December. This is in aid of Save the Children, their mission is to make sure all children are safe, healthy and learning. Any donations are greatly appreciated as we know this is a very busy time of year for everyone. We would also like to remind you there are Christmas Jumpers and t-shirts at the school office ranging from age 4-5 to age 11, if you have grown out of your last Christmas jumper, please feel free to come get one or donate any that no longer suit you.
Thanks again,