Hello, we are Arran, Finn, Aimee and Rosie from Primary 6 and we are your JRSO Team for this year. Miss McMillan, one of our Pupil Support Assistants, will be helping us throughout our JRSO journey.

We would like to highlight to our school the dangers on and near the roads and learn different ways to make sure that everyone stays safe.

To do this, we will be attending seminars with other schools to share ideas as well as having competitions, creating posters and having a notice board for all to see. We will be speaking at an assembly and having some roleplay scenarios at playtime for everyone to join in. Our mascot Ziggy will also be helping to keep us focussed.

Firstly, and most importantly, we need your help in agreeing to adhere to our Road Safety Charter that we have created as a place to start our JRSO journey. Since our return to school last month, we have been very aware of the dangers that have occurred with parking in and around the school. Please have a read through it and help us pledge to our school that we will all do our best to keep Nether Robertland families safe.

Click below to see our Road Safety Charter.

Road Safety Charter

Thank you.

Arran, Finn, Aimee and Rosie



Nethermains Community Centre, Kilwinning – 14.09.23


Our morning started by arriving and registering at the seminar. We were put in the green group and we were given a goodie bag which contained prizes for competitions we will organise as well as a lanyard for each of us to wear.

The organisers divided us into groups and we spent 20 minutes in each group along with other children from various schools. We began at the arts and crafts area and we made a road safety sign and a small poster. We then moved to a table where 2 children from Cumbrae Primary and their teacher talked to us about Bikeability and how they introduce the cycling programme.

We then had a break where we were given juice and a biscuit. Miss McMillan bought us each a snack as she didn’t realise we were going to be given something…..we enjoyed them too!

After our break we participated in a drama workshop.

We then went to an area where it was set up to look like a busy road with a few hazards. We were given an iPad and we were to see what it was like to be distracted when crossing or being near a road. It was interesting to see how much of a distraction a device can be as you’re not fully concentrating on the dangers surrounding us.

After the drama workshop, we to watched a short film clip about road safety hazards. It highlighted about crossing the road safely and always being aware of your surroundings. We were then taken for a short quiz in pairs and we all did very well with our answers!

Our last workshop was about how we all got to school that morning. A chart was created and we were all given sticky dots to chart how all the JRSO and their staff members got to school.

The morning then ended and we had such a great time. We have picked up some ideas that we can introduce at our school.

Arran, Finn, Aimee and Rosie


JRSO – Be Bright Be Seen Day Campaign: Keeping Safe in the Winter Months

Presentation at Assembly – 21.11.23

On Friday 24th November, the JRSO Team will be celebrating BE BRIGHT BE SEEN DAY.

We want to highlight the importance of being seen in the dark. When the clocks changed a few weeks ago, it gets darker in the morning, and gets darker quicker when we finish school. We want to give you some hints and tips so that drivers can see us when we are going to and from school.

We need to be bright and be seen. Why is this important? It is important because it is darker in the winter months, we may have poor weather. It may be misty or foggy, or it might even snow.

When light is low and visibility is poor, we might not be as visible to motorists, as we are also smaller – and less easy to see from the windscreen of a car. So being bright and visible is important to keep us safe.

What can we do to be bright and seen?

What can we do to make sure that we are seen when we are:

Walking – we can wear bright colours.

Cycling – make sure we have lights on our bike.

Scooting – we could wear something reflective.

Here are some more ideas:

  1. Brightly coloured hoodies / jumpers.
  2. High visibility vests with reflective stripes.
  3. Brightly coloured and reflective coats.
  4. Reflective key chains for our school bags and reflective stickers for our bike or scooter!

If you have a bright hat or fluorescent gloves or any bright accessory, please wear them on Friday.

Being colourful is cool and fluorescents are fun, so


We presented at our whole school assembly on Tuesday 21st November to promote Be bring Be Seen Day. Some of our extended JRSO team helped. This went very well and we enjoyed being leaders. If you would like to see our presentation, please click below. We also made posters promoting Be Bright Be Seen day and put them up around the school.



JRSO final update for this session


I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Arran, Finn, Aimee & Rosie for their dedication and hard work over the last year. They have made my job as JRSO Co-Ordinator a privilege. I have been very lucky to be supported by them. Thank you also to our Sub Team who helped with assemblies and poster making. Your help was extremely valuable on our journey.

Here is just a small re-cap of what has been achieved in a short space of time.

They organised this years’ Hands up for Scotland Survey and presented at many assemblies promoting all things to do with road safety. They created and ran a campaign for safer parking in and around our school grounds. They supported our Parent Council with new parking signs as well as producing many informative notice boards that are displayed in the gym hall full of valuable information for our pupils. They also created a Road Safety Charter back in August incorporating the families of our school. We were successful in receiving a Road Safety Magic Show for P1-P4 (which was well received and great fun). They signed up for the Big Walk and Wheel fortnight as well as the recent Walk to School week. On top of all this, they have kept an informative floor book of their JRSO journey.

My proudest moment was when one of the HMIE Inspectors joined one of our weekly meetings back in January and the feedback from her was that our JRSO Team was the best she had ever seen in Scotland as well as our floor book being very detailed and capturing our journey so far. She said we should be very proud of ourselves.

Such a jam-packed year they’ve had and their last duty was to choose next years’ new team. Together, they wrote application forms, spoke to the Primary 5 pupils and interviewed all of the applicants.

They have now chosen your new JRSO Team and I look forward to introducing them to you in the new term in August.

Thank you to everyone for their continued support.

Miss McMillan