Please see above, information regarding the Centenary Weekend at Stewarton Tennis Club.
Thank you.
Please see above, information regarding the Centenary Weekend at Stewarton Tennis Club.
Thank you.
Please see above information regarding tennis camp during the October holiday. Thank you
Dear Parent/Carer,
EAC – Journey to Jupiter
We are delighted to be participating in East Ayrshire Council’s new Active Travel
initiative Journey to Jupiter this session. The aim of this project is to get young
people walking to school in a bid to further reduce our carbon emissions here in
East Ayrshire, while also reducing congestion at our school gates and promoting
Active Travel.
Each time our young people travel to/from school by walking, scooting/cycling,
they will earn an S-mile for their class.
Park & Stride – pupils will earn an S-Mile even if they walk part of the journey
to/from school. A walking circuit will be available in the playground for pupils who
travel to school by taxi/bus and for any pupil who wishes to gather bonus S-miles
for their class during break/lunch times.
Bonus S-Miles can be earned by parents/siblings/staff walking the journey to
school too. Class walks, outings and Daily Mile time also earn S-Miles for classes.
Classes will receive certificates/rewards each time they set a new walking record
for their class. We will collate our S-Miles each week in school and send our totals
to the Climate Change Team at East Ayrshire Council each month.
The Launch!
Once all participating schools have banked 444,000 S-Miles, we will have enough
power bars to launch our EAC Clean Green rocket, sending it all the way to Jupiter.
We will begin collecting S-Miles on Tuesday 26
th September and continue to
gather as many as we can throughout the year.
Thank you in advance for supporting our Journey to Jupiter.
From our NRPS Climate Champions
Please see below a letter regarding the Jupiter initiative.
Please find below, information regarding the Scripture Union After School Club.
Thank you.
You may be aware that Scripture Union run fun lunchtime or afternoon groups for children in many schools across the country. During covid restrictions we started a new Stewarton SU group for all Stewarton schools and it meets at John Knox church on a Monday after school starting this Monday(28th)
It’s a great place for the children to come and play and relax after school. They have games, crafts, snacks and explore a bible story each week.
The Stewarton group is for Primary 4 -7 and is held at John Knox Church, High St Stewarton on Mondays during term time 330pm – 430pm with the doors open at 315pm for children who get out of achool earlier. Children need to be registered here.
Information about Vibrant Youth Summer Activities – please note this applies to current P6 pupils who are starting P7 after the summer.
Please see below information regarding a summer Music School at Centrestage. Scholarships are available! Thank you. Read more
Please click below to see activities offer by East Ayrshire during the summer. Thank you.
Please find above information about a summer Holiday Club.
Thank you.
Please see below information about Summer Holiday Tennis Camps.
Thank you.
🏑Saturday 27th May, 2-4pm
🏑Stewarton Academy Hockey Pitch
🏑£2 entry – register at by Thursday 25th.
🏑Teams of 7 (individual player entry).
🏑2 age groups: P1-P5 and P6-S2
🏑Sticks provided. Bring shin and gum guards.
🏑Tuck shop provided by Bonnet Guild
🏑Bonnet Guild will present medals for winners and runners up.
Message us on Facebook @garnockhockeyclub if you have any queries.
Our class teachers will be carrying out parent/carer evening appointments on Thursday 25th May, 3.30pm – 8.50pm. There will be two sessions for you to select from and appointments will last for 10 minutes. Families with more than one child will be allocated appointments within one session so you will only need to fill out one form. Once the appointments have been allocated, your child will be given a letter with your allocated time. All appointments will take place in the classrooms. Please enter via the main entrance, where our P7 helpers will direct you.
There will be a variety of information stands for you to browse so please make your way to the gym hall if you get a chance. There will also be an opportunity for you to have a taste of the foods on offer to your child from the school dining hall.
Please ensure you complete this form by 10th May in order for us to plan and allocate appointment times.
Please see below information regarding teen fitness. Thank you.
Claire Todd
Admin and Marketing Officer
We took part in Comic Relief 2023. We raised the sum of £231.50! We had a fun day and we had lots of activities. Mac in P6 guessed the number of sweets in the jar – 283 and Mia in P4 guessed the birthday of the teddy – 12th June. Thank you to everyone who donated!
Stewarton Annick girls are looking for girls born 2013 and 2014 to join our U10s 7-a-side team.
Come along join our family and have great fun. No experience necessary, although being able to pose for team photographs is a must! contact the club on social media or James Taylor on 07545264231.P7 BRING AND BUY SALE – DONATIONS WELCOME!
A big thank you to everyone who bought a poppy
this year. As you can see we raised £100.17.
Please see the poster below for information about upcoming events in the Book Nook!
Dyslexia Scotland competition for children
Competition time!
Time to get creative and learn some skills in the process. Dyslexia Scotland is holding a competition for dyslexic young people aged 16 or under to design the cover of their Autumn members’ magazine. They have organised free online workshops to help aspiring designers think about how to come up with an idea. Full details here:
(Competition – design the cover of our next magazine | Dyslexia Scotland )
Dyslexia across the world competition We need your help! Our August members’ magazine will be all about ‘Dyslexia across the world’. Could you design a cover image for it? We’re looking for something that illustrates how dyslexia affects people all over the world. Nearly 800 million people on our planet are dyslexic – fact! To help you think about how to come up with a design, |
Lost Property – please get in touch if this jacket belongs to your child. Thank you.
Our next Parent Council meeting is on 1 February 2022 at 7.30pm. This will be an on-line meeting via Teams.
The following information has been received from our National Parent Forum representative.
Please follow the link below if you would like to join this free event.
Another thank you! We raised the sum of £121.27 for this very worthy cause. Your continued support is again much appreciated.
New National Entitlement Card – Parents Communication
This will be available from Wednesdsay 12 January 2022. Please click on the above heading to open up the letter on how to register for this.
Thank you.
We are delighted to let you know that we raised the sum of £408 at the Virtual MacMillan Coffee Morning! Thank you everyone.
We have been asked to pass the following information from Stewarton Academy on to you.
Dear Parent/Carer
As you will know, your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2022).
Please complete the online P7 transfer application at no later than Wednesday 26 January 2022.
Your secondary school will already be in communication with your child via primary school to provide information and hand books are available at:
We very much hope that visits and events may be possible later in the year to allow you and your child to visit their new school.
Many thanks.