JRSO Seminar


On Tuesday 24th September 2024, we went to Kay Park Church Hall for our seminar. This is the event that helps train us for our roles as Nether Roberlands’ Junior Road Safety Officers.

We arrived early to school on the Tuesday so that we could get the bus to take us to Kilmarnock. We left school at 8.45am and we walked to the bus stop on the Robertland Hill. When the bus came, we got on and sat together up at the back and it took us to the bus station.

We used all the correct crossings when we got off the bus to keep us safe and when we arrived at the hall, we were met by a lady who registered us and gave us a goody bag which included our JRSO notebooks.

Lots of other schools were attending and we were in the green group with 2 other schools.

The first activity that we were doing was with Barbara, who works for Ayrshire Roads Alliance. She talked to us about The Green Cross Code and got us to make posters. We used different coloured paper and we had the choice of lots of crafty items to use.

The next station we went to was to listen to a new initiative that JRSO’s are being asked to join in with. It’s called ‘STARS, we strive for 5’. We are being asked to do 5 things over the year and aim to get 5 starts. The things we have to aim for are….

  1. Sustainable Travel Initiative.
  2. Bikeability/Cycling
  3. Road Safety Campaign
  4. Run a school travel or road safety competition.
  5. Create and maintain a noticeboard or school blog.

We are looking forward to the challenge and hope to earn the 5 stars.

We then stopped for a snack. There was juice and biscuits provided for us and we were extra lucky as Miss McMillan bought us snacks too!!

After snack time, we joined Chloe who asked us how we arrived at school. We were asked if there was different ways we could encourage pupils to walk, cycle etc, rather than taking the car.

We had to use our imaginations for her next task. We were to come up with crazy ideas to get to school without using electricity! Water slides, trampolines, jet packs and flying carpets were just a few of the funny ideas!!!

Before we knew it, our morning was over. It had been really enjoyable and we have taken lots of new ideas away with us.

It was time for us to get the bus back to school. When the ladies heard that we were using public transport, they were very impressed that we hadn’t used cars or taxi’s to get there…..a big gold star for us!

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