Anti-Bullying Week 2023 – Listen up! Respect our Rights

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13 – Friday 17 November with the theme of ‘Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)’ – because bullying is never acceptable.

respectme, Scotland’s anti-bullying service, was launched in March 2007. Their vision is of a respecting, just, equal and inclusive Scotland in which all children and young people can live free from bullying and harassment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Their work is driven by a focus on children’s rights.

During Anti-Bullying Week 2023, all children will be exploring the theme of Listen up! Respect our Rights through class activities and whole school approaches. Learning will be shared via Twitter/X so please look our for these and feel free to give us a like or comment.

To support your child further, please see the Parent Tool Kit below.

Anti-Bullying Parent Tool Kit 2023

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