Value of the Month – Teamwork

As our value this month is teamwork, we are spending time thinking about how to show teamwork in school and at home. In school, we have identified the following ways we can show teamwork and we are working hard on this.

  • Working together to get things done
  • Sharing ideas and listening to others
  • Valuing the opinions of others

This month, we invite you to:

  1. Discuss with your family what teamwork looks like in your home and in the community. As a family, select three words that describe the qualities required to display good teamwork.
  2. Click on the link or use the QR code below to share your responses with us at school.
  3. You will share your responses with the class week beginning 27th November.

To support living by our values in school, at home and in our local community, we have given every family one of our values magnets to display in your home as a reminder.

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