Our class teachers will be carrying out parent/carer evening appointments on Thursday 25th May, 3.30pm – 8.50pm. There will be two sessions for you to select from and appointments will last for 10 minutes. Families with more than one child will be allocated appointments within one session so you will only need to fill out one form. Once the appointments have been allocated, your child will be given a letter with your allocated time. All appointments will take place in the classrooms. Please enter via the main entrance, where our P7 helpers will direct you.

There will be a variety of information stands for you to browse so please make your way to the gym hall if you get a chance. There will also be an opportunity for you to have a taste of the foods on offer to your child from the school dining hall.

Please ensure you complete this form by 10th May in order for us to plan and allocate appointment times.


Click here to complete the form please

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