Pilot of a Parent Meeting Booking System

We would like to pilot a new Parent Meeting Booking System. This would make organising Parents’ Evenings faster and easier, enabling you to select a specific slot. This would be done through the ConnectUs Parent Meeting Service. We already use ConnectUs as they provide us with our School App.

To help us move forward with piloting this service, we require your permission for your personal data to be shared with ConnectUs. This will include your name and email address only.

We feel that this service will provide the school and our parents with a simplistic and easy to use service which will make the booking of parents’ evening appointment more effective. It will also help us on our journey in becoming a paperless school.

If you would like more information about ConnectUs and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please click on the link below.


Please complete the Form below to give permission for ConnectUs to hold your personal data which includes your name and email address. Please note that if you have more than one child at our school, you only need to complete the Form once.

Please click here to complete the Form

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