The New P6/7

Hello to everyone in the new primary 6/7 class!

Last year I had taught P5 with Mrs McIntyre and also taught HWB with other classes.  But this year I will have you all to myself!  I am excited to be your new class teacher and can’t wait to get started.  The class is still a bit bare but you will help me decorate it with all your hard work.  One of the first jobs we will do together is create our class charter, so if you have any cool ideas, send me an email and we might use yours for our display.

Having taught most of you before, I’m looking forward to working with you again in August.  I’ve uploaded a wee video so you remember what my face looks like as it’s been so long since we’ve been at school! (I may have a few extra wrinkles!)  There’s also a few pictures of what the class will look like.

Enjoy your summer holidays and I will see you ready to go in August.

Mr Bertoncini  😎

P6/7 Video

Primary 3 – Mrs Strachan 💙

Hello to the new primary 3 class! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

My name is Mrs Strachan.  👩🏻‍🏫 This year i have taught primary four. I am very excited to be your new class teacher and I cannot wait to meet you all in August!  Mrs Dunsmore has told me all about the fabulous  hard work you do and has said that you are all  SUPERSTARS! 🌟

Here is a little video and some photos of your new Primary 3 classroom.  I can’t wait to decorate it with you. 🥰🌈 I’d love you to send me some ideas of how we should create our new classroom door display to welcome everyone to our room.  I’d also like to know what you would like our new class charter to look like? Last year our class had a Lego theme.

I hope you have a lovely summer!

Take care,
Mrs Strachan xo 😘


Willow Room

Hi boys and girls.

I hope you are all taking care. I have been busy getting ready for your return to school in August. I am really missing you all and hope you all have a brilliant summer. Here are some photographs of what the Willow room will look like in August. I know that the classrooms look very different but I do not want you to worry. The teachers have all been working hard to make sure that you are all safe, but most importantly that we can have fun when you come back.

Lots of love, Mrs McCreadie

Image result for love heart clip art



Emoji Code Breaker

As part of our Paths programme, we have talked a lot about the different emotions we experience, how it looks and how it feels, inside and outside our bodies.

Using  our cute paths friends and some emoji’s we are familiar with, can you decode the hidden message?  This is a challenge for you all to try at home and parents can help our infant pupils if they are finding this challenging.

Have fun!  Can you decode the hidden message?  Let me now if you managed to work it out:



Final Week!

We cannot believe it has arrived! The final week! A huge well done to all families for sticking with it, especially our young people working hard and getting on with their learning activities! It may not have always been easy but we are immensely proud of all of you!

All our hard work is paying off and proof of this is that Scotland have now entered Phase 2;  here is a child friendly version…

We have all played a part in getting the country here!

(Phase 2 is a staggered phase so please check government guidelines for exact dates).

We hope you enjoyed #ThrowbackThursday…more to come this week!


Some Monday Motivation…for those that need it…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Primary 3 home learning grids week beginning 22.6.20

Hi Primary 3. Well done for making it to the last week of school. I am so proud of how well you have engaged in your learning during lockdown and can see how much you have all grown up since we last seen each other in March. Below is your final weeks work for literacy, numeracy and topic. Try to do what you can whenever you can and remember to email me to say hello!! Missing all of your gorgeous little faces. Speak to you all very soon…probably when you are big Primary 4s and are too cool to speak to me!!


Literacy mat primary 3 22.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

Blue Spelling word for the week beginning 22.6.20

sun safety


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 22.6.20

number bonds to 20



P1 to 3 IDL Grid 22.6.20


Fireworks in a Glass


Primary 2 Home Learning Grids WB 22.6.20

Primary 2, you have made it! It’s the last week before the summer holidays begin! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. You have worked so hard both at school and at home. Although these past few months have been rather strange I hope you have enjoyed your time in Primary 2 as much as I have! As you begin your last week as a Primary 2, remember you are a SUPERSTAR and you can do anything you put your mind to!

Below you will find your literacy, numeracy and IDL home learning grids for WB 22.6.20.  Your literacy and numeracy task sheets have been sent to your individual email accounts.

P2 Literacy Learning Grid 22.6.20

P2 Numeracy Learning Grid 22.6.20

P1 to 3 IDL Grid 22.6.20

French Flag

Fireworks in a Glass


There is no suggested timetable for this week. Just do what you can, when you can and remember, there is no expectation that all tasks will be completed.

Mrs Dunsmore x

P6 Home Learning Grids week beginning 22nd June.

Hello P6,

Well  it’s the last week! Summer holidays are almost here!

I have enjoyed reading all your updates and seeing some of your work this week, well done for your fantastic effort.

I am so very proud of every one of you! You have been such a fabulous class and we’ve had a great P6 together.

Here are the learning grids for the week beginning 22nd June.


P6 Numeracy Home Learning Grid


P6 Literacy Home Learning Grid

IDL ( Topic)

IDL Home Learning Grid

Remember to try to complete the 3 core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00                 Wake up and get dressed and have some breakfast.
9.00-10.00               Exercise Cosmic Yoga / Joe Wicks / Just Dance
10.00-11.00            Numeracy Home Learning Task
11.00-11.30            Snack time and outdoor time
11.30 – 12.30         Literacy Home Learning Task
12.30-1.30               Lunch
1.30-2.00                 Walk or exercise
2.00-3.00                  IDL home Learning grid


Take care,

Mrs MacKinnon x

P5 Home Learning Grid 22nd June

Hi P5,

Well, you made it.  The last week is upon us.  You have worked hard this year and continued to do so at home.  We are very proud of you all. I hope you enjoyed looking at Throwback Thursday.  It was good to relive the memories we made in P5.  Please find below the grids for the last week of term.


P5 Numeracy Grid 22nd June

Algebra Puzzle 22620


P5 Literacy Grid 22nd June

Pokemon Go! Activity

Mr Gum reading task 22620

Connectives Worksheet


Mount Carmel P4-7


Beano Worksheet: Brave and Resilient

We hope you all have a fab summer holiday and we are excited about seeing you all when we return to school in August.

Mr Bertoncini and Mrs McIntyre



Suggested Timetable
8:00am Time to get up and have breakfast
9:00am Literacy time
10:00am IDL task
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Sumdog or a maths activity
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or even a walk or cycle outside

Primary 4 – Home Learning Grids 22.6.20

Good afternoon fours,

I hope you are all keeping well! This is now your last week in primary 4 before the summer holidays start! Then when you return in August you will be in primary 5.  It has been a strange few months, however you have all been wonderful and i know you will continue to be amazing in primary 5! 

These are your last learning grids before  the summer holidays begin! If you need anything at all this week just let me know.

Love from,

Mrs Strachan x



Numeracy – P4 WB 22.6.20

Word problems

Rectangles – adding 3 digit numbers

Squares – subtracting 10s

triangles – adding and subtracting



Literacy – P4 WB 22.6.20



Words of Encouragement


Mount Carmel 4-7

Unit 3 – Lesson 12- Cut and Stick Home Activity

Unit 5 Lesson 18 Angry Abigail 2(1)



Primary 1 Home Learning Tasks WB 22nd June

Hello everyone!!

I hope you have had another wonderful week!

We are almost in our last week of learning before the summer holidays!!!! I know it can be a struggle at this point as everyone is feeling tired but well done to all of you who are trying to keep going!!! You are amazing and you are almost there!!!

Thank you once again for all the hard work photos and emails, especially the video clips for the new Primary 1’s. Final call today for these as they will be shared next week!!

I have attached your new learning grids for the final week ahead!!!

Only do what you can and as always, remember to have fun!!

Missing you all!

Lots of love Mrs Duff xxx

Primary 1 Literacy grid 22nd June

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 22nd June

numicon bonds to 10 (2 sheets)

P1 to 3 IDL grid 22nd June

Dissolving sheet

Fireworks in a Glass

French Flag


Primary 7 Home Learning Grids

Hello Primary 7,

Well, you’ve made it to the final week of your Primary school career. What a journey you’ve been on! I’ll leave all the goodbyes and good lucks’s until Thursday.

Here are your final Mount Carmel Primary school tasks.

Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 22nd June Primary 7

Second Level revision grids

Brain Challenges – Number Challenge 

Literacy Grid wb 22nd June

S1 transition Talking and Listening Task

Letter to my future self

Mount Carmel 4-7

Beano-PSHE-Being-Brave-and-Becoming-Resilient-KS2 (1)


Thank you for all your hard work and I can’t wait to see you all on Thursday.

Take care,

Miss Mudge


Twiggle Misses His Friends!

It has been a difficult few months and much has changed in our ordinary, every day lives.  Where once we could go to school to learn and see our friends, we now learn at home and have been unable to see our school friends.

Twiggle shares his feelings about being at home and missing school and his friends.  His Grandma listens and helps him to feel a little better about it.

Like Twiggle we have had to find new ways to communicate and spend time with our friends and families.  We miss them, but doing a video chat or having a chat on the phone, helps to make us feel a wee bit better.

Take care, together we are Team MC!

Friday 19th June School Assembly

Hello boys and girls,

Welcome to our assembly today. Let’s start our time together with a prayer and hymn from Fr Martin.


Thank you Fr Martin for such a lovely start today.

Last week we had all of our amazing sports events. Thank you all so much for taking. We have an exciting video to premier next week showing your fabulous achievements.

The participating teams were:

Team Hoy

Team Doyle

Team Granger

Team Murray

We are excited to announce that the winning team with 5,355 points (which Mrs McGahon studiously counted) is:


Team Granger!!!!

Well done Team Granger we are so proud of all you.

Certificates will be sent to the email addresses all the children that participated and special winning certificates will also be emailed to you.

Congratulations again to you all!

As we come closer to the end of our academic session… MCPS presents…


What a year it has been at MCPS! Although it has been different, we still have lots to celebrate. We the staff, are so proud of our remarkable pupils who have shone all year!

Here are some of our magic memories!

Please follow this link:

We hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

Look at our blog and emails next week for some messages from your new class teachers and photographs of your new classroom.

Continue to take care boys and girls.

With love from us all,

#Team MC



Update from the Head of Education

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that this letter once again finds you and your families well, and can I reiterate a warm thank you for your amazing work with our young people during this period of lockdown. Following my recent communication, I was keen to ensure you were updated in regards to our plan for careful and considered return of our young people and staff to school.

In reaching the following proposals, I would like to express a debt of gratitude to your Head Teachers, your Parent Council Chairs and parents who have formed part of our renewal workstreams in the Council.

In addition, I am deeply grateful to the huge numbers of you who have completed our parent survey, which has had over 3000 responses to date. The plans to return have been jointly developed by a huge number of council services who have worked alongside us to reach this stage, including Facilities Management, Catering, Health and Safety, Human Resources and Transport, to name but a few. In reaching our model, we have considered, at the front and centre of our thinking, the safety and wellbeing of our young people, staff and their families as we are so aware that this will be your prime concern.

To this end, can we advise of some of the following headline measures as being applicable to all of our schools:

  • Cleaning patterns and routines have been established for our schools to support the prevention of spread of COVID-19, these are specific to each school.
  • Shared materials in classrooms have been removed and young people are being issued with personal equipment and stationery that they will be able to take home to support blended learning. Where young people have to share materials, e.g. practical subjects, this is addressed specifically using cleaning routines.
  • Transport has clearly been a very detailed issue and working capacities have been changed to ensure social distancing on all forms of school transport, schools will provide separate communications to those requiring transport.
  • Risk assessments for pupil and staff return have been carried out and are in place, given that we already have some staff and pupils attending in June.
  • Social distancing of 2m has been a pre-requisite for the setup of classrooms and other spaces that your child will use, in addition child-friendly communications and graphics will be present in all of our schools. Some schools will adopt a “social bubble” approach, this will be made clear in the school specific communication you will receive.
  • Individual schools have planned for the safe arrival and pick-up of pupils in a measured fashion and this too will be communicated to you in school-specific communications.

Pupil attendance in all schools

The attendance model for all schools in East Ayrshire has been agreed at a consistent level to ensure equity for all of our learners, and we have also clearly ensured that our children who are more vulnerable have been appropriately considered. Due to the particular needs of young people in our specialist sector schools, these arrangements will be communicated on a school by school basis. Guidance on re-opening early childhood centres has just been released this week, thus further details will be forthcoming in this regard.

Primary school pupils

Your child will attend primary school two days per week (or equivalent), in a pattern that will be released by your school via the school app or other means. The limited attendance is governed by the current social distancing requirements which restricts the number of young people we can have in our schools at any one time. Some young people may attend on further days, this is a matter delegated to the school, in regards to young people in a vulnerable situation.

Secondary school pupils

The attendance model for secondary schools in East Ayrshire is clearly more complex, due to significant differentials in school roll, capacity and available staffing in regard to specific subjects. We are therefore taking a phased and measured approach to ensure the safety of the full school community, and also protect the wellbeing of young people in operating initially with lower numbers as they return, and adapt to what will be very different circumstances.

This model will operate as follows:-

Wednesday 12th – Friday 28th August – 1 day per week for all pupils (or equivalent), with added time enhancement for senior phase to be released by individual schools. This permits secondary schools working on a two week rotation model to see a full run of their timetable and address any concerns before upscaling pupil attendance.

Subject to review, all pupils will begin attending 2 days per week, again with added time enhancement for senior phase w/b 31st August.

Clearly this situation is completely dynamic and we will continue to be guided by government and public health guidance and advice, and where we can safely increase attendance, this will absolutely be the case.

I am also very aware that the proposed pattern, when released by your school, will not meet the needs of everyone, and I ask you to bear with your school as they answer queries specific to individual family circumstances. A position has not yet been reached by the Scottish Government in regards to the provision of childcare for keyworkers for August, I therefore ask for your understanding that we cannot answer any questions in this regard until the position is declared nationally.

In addition to many aspects of pupil return, we know that parents and carers will have many questions, and we hope that some of these may be answered in some of the statements below:

  • Children do NOT require to wear uniform if any family have been unable to access this due to lockdown or other circumstances. Our priority is absolutely having our young people back with us.
  • We have asked schools, where possible, that siblings who attend the same school, attend on the same days.
  • Government guidance advises that young people may not leave the premises at lunch to access home lunch or outside catering, we ask for your understanding on this during this return phase. Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch and free school meals and paid catering will be provided on a trolley service to classrooms, this has also freed up extra capacity to house more young people in our schools.
  • Transport should still be applied for in the normal way and you can check entitlement and apply for free school meals and footwear and clothing grants online. It is important that parents enrol for our Parent Pay system as cash will not be handled in schools.
  • If your family have booked a holiday for the week including 12th August, the absence of your young person will be authorised given the unanticipated change to the Summer break.

Summer holidays

Information on emergency childcare over the forthcoming Summer holiday has already been sent to all parents and carers who are already registered for this provision, as this childcare will change over the Summer break.

Blended learning

Clearly face-to-face teaching is only one part of a rigorous blended learning approach, we are preparing supplementary information for all parents and carers, as we move into a new phase of learning, this will be made available to parents and carers in the new school term.

Next steps

I am meeting again with your Parent Council Chairs on Wednesday 24th June where we will have further discussion around the safe recovery of schools and discuss the findings of the parent survey as we move into our new phase of learning. These will also be shared with your individual schools to influence provision on a local level.

Can I please ask for your understanding in working with your schools over the last week of term as they move towards the Summer Holiday, your Head Teachers have put an incredible amount of time and thought into their return models and they too appreciate that parents and carers are incredibly anxious about school return and patterns of attendance. I ask that this is borne in mind in any discussions you may require to have with your schools going forward.

Finally, can I advise that, as has been the case throughout this crisis, that there will be a separate release of information for our young people returning to school, they too have been part of an authority-wide survey and have met in their pupil council groupings in all schools over the past weeks, as an integral part of our thinking as we return.

Can I wish you and your families a very happy Summer, and please know that our central education team will remain in place over this time should the situation change in any way that would see us able to implement a further return of young people as intimated.

With all my best wishes to you and your families at this time.

Head of Education

P7 Leavers Event

Hello Primary 7,

Next week when you come in for your leaver’s gift you do not have to wear school uniform. You can wear your leaver’s hoodie if you want.

Mrs McConville has said that you can bring your mobile phones to take pictures (from a social distance) with your classmates.

I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday for a final goodbye.

Miss Mudge

Throwback Thursday!

As we come closer to the end of our academic session… MCPS presents…


What  a year it has been at MCPS! Although it has been different, we still have lots to celebrate. We the staff, are so proud of our remarkable pupils who have shone all year!

Here are some of our magic memories!

(Click below to view)

Primary 1

Primary 2

Primary 3

Primary 4

Primary 5

Primary 6

Throwback Thursday P7

Throwback Thursday Willow

So much to celebrate! Well done everyone!

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.






School Uniform Swap

If you have good quality school uniform that no longer fits we would be very grateful if it could be freshly cleaned and then dropped at the school over the next few days.  A box will be available outside the school to leave these items.

Next week we will then place a school uniform bank outside the main door, anyone may collect uniform from this.

Primary 7 – Invite to attend Mount Carmel Thursday 25th June

See the source image

We could not let our Primary 7 children move to St Joseph’s Academy without one final goodbye.  All of the Primary 7 children are invited to attend the school on Thursday 25th June at 10am for about 30mins.  Due to restrictions no adults can enter the building with the children.

Children will come to the school hall where they will presented with a gift from Mount Carmel Primary School.  The children will also have returned to them items which they had left behind in school.

Say Hello to your Buddies

Two more of your buddies would like to say hello!


Hi there! My name is May, I’m in P7. I hope to see you all soon, and I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as I have.






Hi my name is Michael John I am in Primary 6. I’m really looking forward to meeting you. Mount Carmel is a great school and you will have lots of fun!!





Our School Community

This week we have special messages from members of our wider school community.  #teammc

Father Martin

Hello Boys and girls.  I am Father Martin Chambers. I am the priest at Mount Carmel School.

I am sure you will find that our school is a very happy place. When I come to Mount Carmel School, I normally talk to the boys and girls about God. In the school, we always remember how good God is to us.

God sends us his peace and his love. With the peace and love that God sends us, we will make sure Mount Carmel School is a very happy place.

Parent Council

Hello.  Our names are Amanda and Neil. Together with other parents and carers, we run the Parent Council. Our role as parents is really important. We all want the school to be successful as it has such a big impact on our kids. Our views matter so it’s important that there is some way that the school’s management, staff and the Council know what our views are, while we give support and encouragement when it’s required.

So, for a couple of hours every 3 months, we all get together with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher for a cuppa and a chat, to find out what’s going on and how we, the parents, can help.

If you’re interested, then feel free to pop along to our meetings (they are ‘virtual’ just now due to COVID19, so you don’t even need to leave the house). You can find the dates and times on our Facebook page. We know it can be awkward joining, so please feel free to contact us beforehand, we can have a chat then introduce you to the rest of the group. They don’t bite, honest!

We hope to be saying “hello” to you very soon!

The Friends of Mount Carmel

Hello to all the new P1 Parents

The Friends of Mount Carmel (FOMC) is a fundraising group comprising of a group of parents and carers of the young people within our school. Our aim is to plan and co-ordinate various fundraising events such as School Discos, Fun Days and a Christmas Fayre along with any other activities associated with the staff and pupils of Mount Carmel Primary School that require our help.

The money we raise is used to benefit all the pupils of Mount Carmel Primary. This may be in the form of purchasing items for the schools e.g. books/equipment, facilitating transport to events e.g. covering the cost of buses for trips, providing gifts/prizes for pupils or to cover the cost of facilitating events e.g. paying for venues.

We aim to meet up face to face approximately 4 times throughout the school year so we can share ideas and plan for future fundraising events.

If this is something that you would be interested in and would like to be part of our group you are very welcome to contact us at and we will add you to our mailing list and welcome you at our next meeting when we return in august.

Look forward to meeting you all.

Deborah Boyd (Chairperson)




Scavenger Hunt

Hi boys and girls!

We hope you are all well and have had a lovely week!

Marty and Colin have been loving going on adventures outdoors as the weather has been lovely and warm. As they love being outside so much they have decided to set you an outdoor task this week – a Scavenger Hunt!!!

All you have to do is get outdoors, maybe in your garden, local park or while out on a walk and find each of the things on their list! Are you up for the challenge? We are sure you are!

Can you find:

  • something round
  • something smooth
  • something jaggy
  • 3 different types of leaf
  • 2 sticks
  • something yellow
  • something pretty
  • something that could be treasure!!!

Marty and Colin have started theirs already! Can you see which items they have found so far?!!!

Good luck everyone!! We hope you have fun on the hunt!!!

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore (Marty and Colin) xxxx

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