We would like to thank everyone for their generous SCIAF donations. They are very much appreciated.
A reminder that raffle tickets for the class Easter egg and Easter hamper will be available until Thursday. All SCIAF donations to be in school for Thursday 31st March. No donations can be taken after this date.
To celebrate the beginning of our Spring holidays children can come to school in their own clothes. We are asking for a donation of £1 via ParentPay. This will go towards school funds.
A reminder that tomorrow Friday 25th March is our pyjama and movie day. Children can wear their pyjamas to school, bring a cuddly toy and a small snack. We are requesting a cash donation for SCIAF.
Children continue to have raffle tickets available in class at 20p each for our Easter egg raffle and Easter hampers. Thank you for generous donations so far.
The school will close on Friday 1st April at 2.30pm. Children who receive transport by taxi will be collected at 2pm. Pupils and staff return to school on Tuesday 19th April.
We will be marking our Head Teacher, Mrs. McConville’s retirement with a whole school mass at the church next Tuesday29th March. Unfortunately, at this time, parents/carers are not permitted to join us .
Primary 4 had a great time during their outdoor activity time. I am so very proud of them for organising this day for the whole school and we have raised lots of money so far for SCIAF. Please keep donating to this very worthy cause and remember our Easter activity day tomorrow!!
On Friday of last week, Primary 6 enjoyed bike and scooter activity time outside. This was organised by Primary 4 as part of Mount Carmel’s SCIAF Fundraising over Lent.
P6 had an amazing time! We enjoyed some scooter and bike races and would like to thank you for all the generous donations towards such a good cause.
As part of their ‘Charities’ topic and SCIAF Lenten fundraising, P4 put on a fabulous Outdoor activity- based afternoon for the whole school on Friday. Pupils had a ‘wheely’ good time bringing in their scooters/bikes and even Hoverboard Segways to whizz around the playground.
Here are some of our action-packed photos of our class enjoying their outdoor scooter/bike day afternoon…
Each class will be given a time slot to take part in a range of activities. These include an Easter colouring competition, beat the goalie, egg and spoon race, selfie booth and decorate a cupcake. (Please contact the school with any allergies that would stop your child from participating in this activity)
During a meeting yesterday with the Synod coordinators from all 8 dioceses, as well as representatives from BCOS and SCES, it was agreed that providing families of school aged children every opportunity to participate in the Synod on Synodality, at the request of Pope Francis, is of paramount importance.
The Diocese of Galloway would therefore be grateful if parents/carers would complete the online questionnaire linked below to parents in your schools, with a deadline of Monday, 28th March.
We had a wonderful World Book Day last Friday !. All the children looked amazing and had made a lot of effort (as had the parents!).
A huge thank you to everyone who very kindly bought raffle tickets. We made a grand total of £187 which will go towards school funds. Unfortunately, there could only be one winner and that was Sophie from Primary 4.
Well done Sophie, we hope you enjoy spending your gift card!
A reminder that on 11th March there will be an outdoor activity afternoon for the children as part of Lent. Children can bring their scooters, bikes, skipping ropes or any other outdoor toy to play with in the afternoon.
Please be advised that all children bringing a bike or a scooter MUST also bring a helmet to wear for health and safety reasons.