P4 Sacraments

What a year of celebration it has been in Primary 4. The children have been on an exciting journey making three of their sacraments this year and we couldn’t be more proud of them.  They began the year with their first Reconciliation, then their Confirmation and more recently they made their first Holy Communion. They have worked extremely hard and showed dedication to their faith and God.  Well done everyone!!

Sports day update

Further to our earlier post, we would like to invite our parents in through the front gate when coming into school to see your own child race.  A pupil from our wonderful P7 organisers will be there to greet you and take you around to the field at the back of the school where our races will be taking place.

A reminder that school uniform is not required tomorrow and the children can wear comfortable sports wear that is weather appropriate.

Everyone please cross your fingers and toes for a dry day!!

A little reminder of the times for each class race…

9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1

9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2

10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3

11:00 – 11:40 Nursery children

11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4

1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5

1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6

2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7

Sports day

It is our absolute intention to go ahead with sports day tomorrow (Thursday 9th June). Unfortunately, we cannot predict the weather, so we kindly ask that you send your child into school with sport clothing on (absolutely no football colours) and equipped for the ever changing weather. We will be outside for some of the day;  therefore the children will need jumpers and maybe a light raincoat (hopefully not but we do live in Scotland!) or if we are lucky enough for some sunshine, a hat and sun cream.

Can you also make sure that your child has plenty of water for the day as they will be very busy with lots of different activities from races and potted sports to curling and yoga.

The children are very excited for tomorrow (and so are the teachers!). We cannot wait to have our new p1’s in as well as our parents to see us racing. Please see below the timetable for the races (this has been shared previously)

9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1

9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2

10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3

11:00 – 11:40 Nursery children

11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4

1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5

1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6

2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7

Again, we kindly ask that when your child is finished racing, could you please leave the playground as to allow the next class parents in. to watch their children.

See you all tomorrow!!

Sports Day 2020 – Stanborough Primary School

North West Kilmarnock Consultation Parent Discussion

A reminder that a letter was sent home yesterday regarding an Education Scotland visit on Monday 13th June at 1:30pm.  Thank you to the two parents that have kindly volunteered so far. Please consider being part of our parent group sharing your views on the educational benefits of an ECC and refurbishment of our school.

Sharing your views in this group will help to strengthen our bid process.

Please complete the return slip on the letter or email myself.

Pupil Council

On Tuesday I was delighted to work with the Pupil Council and speak with them about the North West Kilmarnock Consultation and hear some of their views on why this would be good for our school. These children are now working with the rest of their class to gather more ideas to share with Education Scotland on Monday 13th June.

Great job, thank you for sharing your ideas.

Mrs Fergusson

Sports Day Reminder

Image result for Free Clip Art Sports Day. Size: 289 x 100. Source: www.lanesboroughprimaryschool.ie

Sports Day

Our school sports day has been provisionally organised for Thursday 9th June this year. This will take the form on potted sports where classes will walk their way around a series of sporting
events, one of which will be races, parents/carers will be permitted to attend.

Our sports day has been scheduled for the 9th June this year (weather dependent). We would like to invite our parents and carers in for a short visit to see your child and their class compete in some races.
This will take the format of welcoming our adults into the school grounds to watch their child’s class run and then we politely request that you allow the next set of parents to be invited in. If you
are the parent or carer of more than one child then you are invited to come in for each of your child’s race slot.

Please find below the timetable for the day and come along to see your child participate in the fun. We are super excited to have you in school on the day to cheer for us and we hope to see you there!!

9:10 – 9:30 Primary 1
9:35 – 10:00 Primary 1/2
10:05 – 10:30 Primary 2/3
11:00 – 11:40 New Primary 1 children
11:45 – 12:10 Primary 4
1:10 – 1:40 Primary 5
1:45 – 2:15 Primary 6
2:20 – 2:50 Primary 7


P3 Sacrament of Reconciliation

Image result for Free Clip Art Sacrament of Reconciliation. Size: 150 x 99. Source: www.clipartpanda.com

Also on Tuesday evening we were delighted to be with our Primary 3 children as they made their Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a lovely celebration with the the children and their families. We look forward to continuing to support them as the make two further sacraments in Primary 4.
I know you will continue to join us in praying for our children as they continue on their Faith journey.

New P1 parents/carers

Image result for free Clip Art Parent Information Evening. Size: 172 x 100. Source: stjohnv.org
On Tuesday evening we were delighted to welcome our new primary 1 parents into the school. Mrs Duff shared information about Primary 1 as well as some of the practicalities of starting school.
We have gifted all of our new children with a homework bag as well as a lovely story book to share at home.
Thank you also to Mr Farren our Parent Council Chair who shared with the parents the great work that they do for our school.
The evening finished with a tour of our lower school and a chance to see inside the classrooms.
It was lovely to have parents back in our school. At the start of next school year we are planning to have parents of all of our children in for a visit to see their new teacher as well as see their new classroom.
Mrs Fergusson

Big Garden Tidy Up Project

Image result for free clip art garden tidy up

A reminder that our garden tidy up will take place on 16th June between 3pm-5pm .  We would be very grateful for any time you can spare at all to help us. We would also be grateful of any donations of any of the following items:



Hanging baskets

Garden Paint

Masonry paint



If you are able to come and help on the day if you could bring your own gardening equipment with you please.

North West Kilmarnock Consultation Parent Discussion

Please check school bags tonight for a letter regarding an Education Scotland visit on Monday 13th June at 1:30pm. Please consider being part of our parent group sharing your views on the educational benefits of an ECC and refurbishment of our school.

Sharing your views in this group will help to strengthen our bid process.

Please complete the return slip on the letter or email myself.


Primary 7 Transition further update

Further information from St Joseph’s this afternoon:

  • Pupils should be at St Joseph’s for 8.50am either via own transport/our school buses/their own primary buses if at St Andrews.
  • Pupils will leave at the end of our school day – 3.40pm
  • Pupils can access canteen facilities
  • Pupils should be in full school uniform and bring PE kit if needed
  • Pupils should bring with them their timetables and slips they were asked to return during Miss Cathie’s visit.

Primary 7 Enterprise

Our Primary 7 pupils have been very busy making items to sell in order to raise additional funds for their Activity Week. These items include Tic tac toe, spinning tops, car/butterfly keyrings and personalised keyrings and can be purchased through Parentpay.

***Please note there is a limited amount of each item available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis . *** 

What a great job they have made!

P7 Transition Workshop

e-Sgoil has collaborated with Headstrong to create some exciting learning opportunities to support learners with their mental health during transition from P7 to S1. There will be a live class-based transition workshop and a live family learning session. The session will run on  6 June from 9.30am – 10.15am for P7 class-based workshops and 6pm – 6.30pm for evening family learning sessions.

St Joseph’s Church-175th Anniversary

On 13th June St Joseph’s parish community will celebrate the 175th anniversary of the solemn opening of our church in 1847. Our community will gather to worship at 7 pm on Monday 13th June to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the mission of the last 175 years.

We extend a warm invitation to you, your staff and parents and pupils to join St Joseph’s parish community on this occasion.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Fr Stephen

Rev Stephen G McGrattan

Parish Priest of St Joseph’s

The Exchange Counselling Services

Please see below information regarding the counselling service available within East Ayrshire Council.

Go to this Sway

St Joseph’s Church-175th Anniversary

On 13th June St Joseph’s parish community will celebrate the 175th anniversary of the solemn opening of our church in 1847. Our community will gather to worship at 7 pm on Monday 13th June to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the mission of the last 175 years.

We extend a warm invitation to you, your staff and parents and pupils to join St Joseph’s parish community on this occasion.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Fr Stephen

Rev Stephen G McGrattan

Parish Priest of St Joseph’s



Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast for tomorrow, we have decided NOT to put our Uniform Exchange items outside the main entrance as previously planned.  However, we would like to remind parents/carers that the Uniform Exchange  is located in the foyer of the school and free to anyone who wishes to make use of it at any time during school hours. We have a selection of nearly new items of school uniform in a range of sizes, (including some shoes). 


East Ayrshire Jubilee Celebrations

               Image result for Free Clip Art The Queen. Size: 65 x 92. Source: classroomclipart.comImage result for free clipart queen's corgisImage result for free Clip Art Changing of the guard. Size: 95 x 102. Source: clipground.com


You are cordially invited to our Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

Beacon Lighting Ceremony 
Thursday 2 June ∙ 2-10pm ∙Dean Castle Country Park ∙ FREE
2pm Official Proclamation
9.30pm Lighting Ceremony

 Jubilee Commonwealth Trail

Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June ∙ Dean Castle Country Park ∙ FREE
Dean the Red Squirrel is touring the Commonwealth and needs to send stamped postcards home before he can travel onto his next destination. Pick up your passport at the Treehouse Centre and explore the trail to collect your prize.

Jubilee Afternoon Tea Boxes
Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June ∙ Dean Castle Country Park ∙ £15
In partnership with Bello Luca, our jubilee Afternoon Tea Box can be ordered online and collected from the Treehouse Cafe. Bring a blanket and enjoy your afternoon tea in beautiful surroundings. Boxes are £15 and must be ordered by Monday 30 May.

vegetarian and vegan options available.

Billy Bear’s Jubilee Jinks!
Thu 2 June ∙2-3pm ∙ Dick Institute ∙ FREE
Fri 3 June ∙ 11am-12pm ∙ Baird Institute ∙ FREE
Fri 3 June ∙ 2-3pm ∙ Burns House Museum ∙ FREE

(FANFARE!) ‘By Royal appointment…Sir Billy Bear invites all Teddy Bears of the Shire and beyond to put on their fanciest clothes and bring their humans for a most important Royal Explorers mission. Let us Celebrate!’ You can take part in some special Jubilee Explorers sessions with Michaella and Billy Bear.

Crafty creations for the Jubilee
Thurs-Sat ∙ Dick Institute (North Museum), Baird Institute and Burns House Museum ∙ FREE
Make your own Jubilee flags, crowns & windmills, and build a Lego Castle fit for a Queen! Drop-in and be inspired by our museum collections and enjoy the crafty self-led activities.

I Spy With My Bookish Eyes
Thurs-Sat ∙ Your local library ∙ FREE
A court jester has hidden book covers around the library.  Become a book detective to find these and solve their puzzle.

Visit the website for more information

St Joseph’s Church-175th Anniversary

On 13th June St Joseph’s parish community will celebrate the 175th anniversary of the solemn opening of our church in 1847. Our community will gather to worship at 7 pm on Monday 13th June to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the mission of the last 175 years.

We extend a warm invitation to you, your staff and parents and pupils to join St Joseph’s parish community on this occasion.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Fr Stephen

Rev Stephen G McGrattan

Parish Priest of St Joseph’s

East Ayrshire Council Site

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