School Uniform/Uniform Exchange

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When purchasing school uniform for your child/children our preferences are:

Grey school skirt/pinafore/trousers (black is also acceptable), blue school shirts/polo shirts/blue school sweatshirts.

We would like to remind parents/carers of our Uniform Exchange, where we have a selection of nearly new items of school uniform in a range of sizes, (including some shoes). This is located in the foyer of the school and free to anyone who wishes to make use of it. 

The Uniform Exchange items will be outside the main entrance of the school on Thursday 26th May which coincides with one of our new Primary 1 transition visits. Please feel free to take any items of uniform you may require . There is no cost for this service. All we ask is that when your child grows out of their uniform, please consider recycling it back to our Exchange.




As you may already know the council is planning to bid for funding from the Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme to potentially create a new “learning campus” in the Onthank area. The Head of Education has been working closely with Headteachers and Heads of Centre to ensure full involvement in the preparatory and council processes leading towards a full public consultation.

To ensure that we have a full range of views and ideas across schools, a virtual meeting has been planned to which you are warmly invited. This virtual meeting will take place on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 5.30-7pm.

This virtual meeting will cover the statutory aspect of the consultation namely introducing ECC facilities to Mount Carmel.

If you would like to receive a link to attend this meeting please follow the link below to complete the relevant form.

Kind regards,

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

Young Persons’ Free Bus travel Scheme

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The campaign website for the “Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme” is now LIVE!

The website contains lots of helpful information for families and young people about free bus travel, how it works, how to apply, the benefits and some tips for travelling safely too. It also features the decision tool feature, to help make it easier for parents/carers to understand the different ways they can apply. Information on Young Scot Cards can be found using the link below:

NB: A parent, guardian or carer will need to apply if the young person is under the age of 16.

Sharing Kindness

As part of our health week at Mount Carmel, we wanted to look at loneliness and how our mental health is just as important as our physical health.  We used our money from our fundraising to gift an afternoon tea package to the local care home, Crossgates. We wanted to show the residents that we care about them and that we are their friends at Mount Carmel. Our lovely Primary 6 children delivered the treat to our friends.

Special Visitors at Mount Carmel

We were super excited when we were told that a special visitor was coming to see us at Mount Carmel. Our friend and author Shirley came to read us a story all about Captain Conkers. The story was amazing!! She talked to us about what it was like being an author . She then told us that the illustrator was a man names Maurice who went to Mount Carmel when he was a little boy. This was exciting enough…and then Captain Conkers appeared to give us a lovely surprise.  Mrs Fergusson was so excited, even she stole a picture.

School Consultation-Wednesday 25th May 2022

As you may already know the council is planning to bid for funding from the Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme to potentially create a new “learning campus” in the Onthank area. The Head of Education has been working closely with Headteachers and Heads of Centre to ensure full involvement in the preparatory and council processes leading towards a full public consultation.

To ensure that we have a full range of views and ideas across schools, a virtual meeting has been planned to which you are warmly invited. This virtual meeting will take place on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 5.30-7pm.

This virtual meeting will cover the statutory aspect of the consultation namely introducing ECC facilities to Mount Carmel.

If you would like to receive a link to attend this meeting please follow the link below to complete the relevant form.

Kind regards,

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

Health Week – Captain Conker

Today has been a busy day for Health Week.  Primary 6 took part in a range of playground games which they shared with other classes in the school.  Mark Devlin from Active Schools worked with children across the school.

Primary 1-4 also had a very special visitor.  The author Shirley Husband came to the school to share her new book ‘Captain Conker and the Dastardly Plan’.  The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing the story and were delighted when Captain Conker came to see them too.

We have lots of photographs of all our activities from this week to share soon.

Meet Captain Conker, Killie's new official mascot - Kilmarnock FC

Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week begins on Monday 16th of May and for this week we are encouraging everyone at Mount Carmel to walk to school if they can. We have also decided on a theme for each day.

Monday – walk to school singing your favourite songs.
Tuesday – walk to school wearing your favourite shoes.
Wednesday – walk to school wearing sunglasses.
Thursday – walk to school wearing something red, orange or green.
Friday – walk to school with crazy hair/special hair accessory.

We hope you enjoy walking to school!


Brass Instrument Tuition

Image result for free clip art brass instrumentsImage result for free clip art brass instruments

Dear Parent/carer,

We are pleased to again be able to start offering pupils from our current Primary 6 & 7 classes the opportunity of brass tuition with Mr. McKreel. Although initially this will only be  a taster session until the end of term, full tuition will begin after the summer break.

If your child is interested in learning a brass instrument please complete the form below:

Brass Tuition Form 2021/2022

God’s Loving Plan

God’s Loving Plan


This term all classes will be participating in God’s Loving Plan lessons. This resource is part of the R.E and Health and Wellbeing curriculum. The learning is organised under four themes:

‘God gives me life.’

‘God calls me to love.’

‘God delights in me.’

‘God’s loving plan guides my choices.’


This programme celebrates all individuals and the love God has for them; it also forms our sexual health learning for each year group. As part of the lessons children will learn anatomical language appropriate to their age and stage. We appreciate your support in this and encourage you to answer any questions that the children may have a result of the teaching. If you would like further information regarding what this involves for your child’s class please contact the school office.

P1-P3 Reward Play (Friday 13th May)

As part of our health week activities, the children had asked if we could do a scooter/bike reward play session, like we had done previously for SCIAF.  The children can bring a scooter or bike to school on Friday and during reward play on Friday afternoon, each class will have a timetabled session for using their bikes or scooters in the playground.

Can all children please make sure they have a helmet with them for this outdoor activity as any child without a helmet, will not be able to take part in the scooter/bike activities.

We will have a variety of fun activities arranged over Friday afternoon, smoothie making, food tasting, Zumba, people who help us fancy dress and some art activities. It  should be a fun way to end our health week activities.

School Consultation- Wednesday 25th May 2022

As you may already know the council is planning to bid for funding from the Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme to potentially create a new “learning campus” in the Onthank area. The Head of Education has been working closely with Headteachers and Heads of Centre to ensure full involvement in the preparatory and council processes leading towards a full public consultation.

To ensure that we have a full range of views and ideas across schools, a virtual meeting has been planned to which you are warmly invited. This virtual meeting will take place on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 5.30-7pm.

This virtual meeting will cover the statutory aspect of the consultation namely introducing ECC facilities to Mount Carmel.

If you would like to receive a link to attend this meeting please follow the link below to complete the relevant form.

Kind regards,

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

East Ayrshire Activity classes 5th May-1st July – FREE!

East Ayrshire Activity classes 5th May-1st July – FREE!


Body Transformation Outdoor Bootcamp ∙ 16YRS+

Outdoor class designed to promote fat loss, build strength and improve fitness. Session will vary each week allowing participants to progress within their own level.

Outdoor Legs, Bums and Tums ∙ 16YRS+

An all ability aerobic calorie burning workout that targets legs, bums and tums.
Multi Sport and Fun Fitness ∙ 9-15 YRS

Coaching for a range of sports and fitness activities, along with games and competitions.


All Round Outdoor Fitness ∙ 16YRS+

A mix of aerobic, strength and core exercises to improve all round fitness.

Multi Sport and Fun Fitness ∙ 5-7YRS+

Introduction to various sports, movement and fun games.

Body Transformation Outdoor Bootcamp ∙ 16YRS+

Outdoor class designed to promote fat loss, build strength and improve fitness. Session will vary each week allowing participants to progress within their own level.

Non-Uniform Day Reminder

” Be Yourself Day”

We are going to be celebrating our individuality by having a non- uniform day tomorrow and are asking kindly for a £1 cash donation  which will go towards  school funds for our health week which begins w/c 9th May,  and allow us to provide some lovely activities for the children during  that week .

To link in with mental health week, we are encouraging the children to come dressed in something that makes them happy. It is not fancy dress; however the children should come dressed in colours that make them smile. Appropriate clothing for school please and , as always ,no football strips etc.

East Ayrshire Council Site

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