Lenten SCIAF Activities P6

On Friday of last week, Primary 6 enjoyed bike and scooter activity time outside. This was organised by Primary 4 as part of Mount Carmel’s SCIAF Fundraising over Lent.

P6 had an amazing time! We enjoyed some scooter and bike races and would like to thank you for all the generous donations towards such a good cause.

P5 Outdoor Afternoon Fun-draising for SCIAF!

As part of their ‘Charities’ topic and SCIAF Lenten fundraising, P4 put on a fabulous Outdoor activity- based afternoon for the whole school on Friday.  Pupils had a ‘wheely’ good time bringing in their scooters/bikes and even Hoverboard Segways  to whizz around the playground.

Here are some of our action-packed photos of our class enjoying their outdoor scooter/bike day afternoon…

Thank you Primary 4!

Online Questionnaire for Parents/Carers

During a meeting yesterday with the Synod coordinators from all 8 dioceses, as well as representatives from BCOS and SCES, it was agreed that providing families of school aged children every opportunity to participate in the Synod on Synodality, at the request of Pope Francis, is of paramount importance.

The Diocese of Galloway would therefore be grateful if  parents/carers would complete the  online questionnaire linked below to parents in your schools, with a deadline of Monday, 28th March.

The link is: https://form.jotform.com/213292942112954

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can provide any further help or if you need any further information at this stage.

Kind regards,

Helena Rameckers

Diocesan Synodal Coordinator

World Book Day

We had a wonderful World Book Day last Friday !. All the children looked amazing and had made a lot of effort (as had the parents!).

A huge thank you to everyone who very kindly bought raffle tickets. We  made a grand total of £187 which will go towards school funds. Unfortunately, there could only be one winner and that was Sophie from Primary 4.

Well done Sophie, we hope you enjoy spending your gift card!


Lent Activity This Week – 11th March

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                               Outdoor Activities 

A reminder that on 11th March there will be an outdoor activity afternoon for the children as part of Lent. Children can bring their scooters, bikes, skipping ropes or any other outdoor toy to play with in the afternoon. 

Please be advised that all children bringing a bike or a scooter MUST also bring a helmet to wear for health and safety reasons.

Image result for free clip art skipping ropes

P5 World Book day

Yesterday, the whole school celebrated World Book Day 2022 and our P5 class took part in various activities during the day.

Here are some of the fabulous costumes:

Yesterday, we dressed up as characters from our favourite books. We all watched an ‘Authors’ Live’ session with  Simon Farnaby, the actor from ‘Horrible Histories’. He has released a new book ‘The Wizard and Me’ about a talking guinea pig called Bubbles who is very funny and cheeky. It had us all laughing in class. He challenged us to write about an animal and use your imagination.

By Victoria P5

In the afternoon, at an assembly we took part in a parade and got to look at all the different costumes. They were all great! We really enjoyed the live session and looking at the ‘Flanimals’ by Ricky Gervais, we decided to create our own ‘Flanimals’ and develop their characters giving them  human characteristics and using descriptive writing techniques.

By Archie and Millie Mc P5

Here are some ‘Flanimals’ you may not have heard of….

Class Films

Currently our pupils and teachers are working on a further set of class films to share with you over the coming weeks.  These films will again be password protected with passwords sent to main/parent carer for the children in that class only.

If you do not wish for your child to be included in this film please contact the school directly by Tuesday 8th March.


SCIAF Activities

Image result for Free clip art SCIAF. Size: 92 x 100. Source: nairn.rcda.scot

28th February 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which is the 2nd March this year. Mount Carmel wants to focus on helping people less fortunate than us at this special time.

This Lent, SCIAF is asking us to act and pray in hope, to fight the Climate Emergency and help build God’s Kingdom here on Earth.

As part of our Lenten celebration within school, Primary 4 have organised the following activities for the weeks of Lent:

3rd March 2022 – World book Day (children should come to school dressed as a character from a book).

11th March 2022 – Outdoor activity afternoon (children can bring their scooters, bikes, skipping ropes or any other outdoor toy to play with in the afternoon. Please be advised that all children bringing a bike or a scooter MUST also bring a helmet to wear for health and safety reasons).

18th March 2022 – Activities day (each class will be given a time slot to take part in a range of activities. These activities include an Easter colouring competition, beat the goalie, egg and spoon race, selfie booth and decorate a cupcake (Please contact the school with any allergies that would stop your child from participating in this activity).

25th March 2022 – Pyjama and movie afternoon (children can wear their pyjamas to school and will watch a movie of their choice within their classrooms. The children can also bring a small snack for this).

1st April – Easter egg raffle/Teddy bear Raffle (tickets will be on sale from the 3rd March and the winner will be chosen on this day).

Raffle tickets will go on sale on the 3rd March and will cost 20p each. For the Easter egg raffle, there will be a class egg and then all the pupils who have bought a ticket will go into a big raffle for the school egg.

For the other activities, we kindly ask for a donation. Please be as generous as you feel able to be. It is for a very worthy cause.

The children can bring cash into the school for these activities and will be asked to put their donations straight into the SCIAF boxes within their classes.

A great big thank you in advance for all of your support.

Mrs. McCreadie and the boys and girls in Primary 4.

World Book Day Reminder-Tomorrow

Image result for free clip art world book day
We will be celebrating World Book Day tomorrow !
Children can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book .
Please do not feel under pressure to go out and buy a costume; why not make one from whatever you have at home?Image result for free clip art shrug emoji

Today is the last day to purchase your raffle tickets!!

We are also running a whole school raffle which will be drawn on tomorrow. Tickets are £1 per strip of 5 and today is the last day to purchase them.

Image result for free clipart raffle

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