School Volunteers

We are delighted that we are now able to welcome parents/carers back in to school more regulary to support with a variety of  activities. If you would like to put yourself forward to be part of our Volunteer Bank List then please complete the below survey by Friday 28th April.

Please note that to become an in school volunteer you would be required to apply for and cover the costs for a PVG approval.

Survey link –

Thank you.

Whole School Trip- Blair Drummond Safari Park

Image result for Free clip Art Safari park

Wednesday 21st June

On Wednesday 21st June we are delighted to say we will have a whole school outing to Blair Drummond Safari Park. A letter outlining all relevant information and permission forms will go out to all pupils tomorrow(18/4). 

The total cost of the trip per child is £13. This is now available to pay in 4  instalments of £3 and a final instalment of £1 as of today on Parentpay. 

The final instalment is due by Wednesday 14th June.

Amesbury School: August 2015

Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Times

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Good Luck

Dear Parents/Carers

Today I pass on the sad news that Mrs Taylor our Early Years Practitioner, (funded by the Scottish Attainment Challenge) will sadly be leaving us to take up a new post at James Hamilton ECC.

Mrs Taylor has become a highly valued member of our school team, her knowledge and expertise has brought a true wealth to our Mount Carmel family. Her love and devotion to the children and staff has shone throughout her time with us.

We wish her every success in her new role and she will be truly missed.

Kind regards,

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

Prayer Partners

Some of our fabulous Primary 6 children, who are working on their ‘ Pope Francis Faith Award’,  spent some time with the Primary 3 children who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

They shared their memories of their First Reconciliation and also wrote a special prayer for their Primary 3 prayer buddy.

Thank you Primary 6, it was a lovely morning together.


East Ayrshire Council Site

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