Category Archives: uncategorized

Teacher Gifts

We have been struck by the number of adverts, shop displays and social media posts about teacher/staff gifts at this time of year.
We want to let you know that none of this is necessary.  It is upsetting to see that there is so much out there putting pressure on families to believe that this is what school staff expect. We don’t!
We do our jobs because we love it! We love your children and the best gift for us is having the privilege to be alongside them as they grow and develop.
So, once again we remind our families that a simple ‘Thank You’ is more than enough.
From all of the staff at Mount Carmel


On Wednesday 14th June our afternoon performance of The Wizard of Oz/P1-5 Summer Songs will now start at 1.15pm instead of 2.00pm.

Doors will open at 12.45pm and light refreshments will be available to purchase in the small hall until the assembly hall is open at 1.05pm.

All ticket holders for this performance will also be sent a text message with this information.

Reminder School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023

Oak Room Update

Oak Room

The Oak Room children have continued their tasks after the holidays and we are loving the better weather! This has allowed us to participate in outdoor painting with the sun in our faces.

We are working our way through group novels including ‘Westlandia’, ‘Doodlebug Alley’ and ‘Mouse Noses on Toast.’ We love to have some calm reading time after lunch to help our minds prepare for learning.

 Pupils this term are focussing on ‘Goal Setting’; this allows them to set a realistic target around their social and emotional development and staff are able to support their achievement of this. Discussions around perseverance and making choices are linked to this. Throughout this topic we will also continue to learn how to understand and manage our feelings.

Pupils will be supported with their hopes and fears around transition into the next academic session during our tasks this term, as we understand although exciting for some, this can be a daunting  time for others.

 Children are continuing to achieve success using their ‘Pot of Gold’ target trackers and we have already had a few special treats relating to these.

A special welcome to the children who joined the group after the Easter holidays, the feedback around this has been hugely positive!

As always your support is hugely appreciated.

Mrs Crawford

Primary 5 Curricular update

Primary 5 Curriculum update Term 4

Hello everyone!

Primary 5 had an excellent term last term with lots of hard work and fun taking place. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children for all of their hard work during this time. They really have been working their socks off and should be very proud of themselves. They even led a whole school Mass on the last week of term. This was an excellent achievement.

I would also like to thank the children’s adults for their continued support. Without you, I wouldn’t get to teach such wonderful children. It was also lovely to see some of you at our sharing the learning afternoon. We hope you enjoyed yourselves.

This term will again be really busy with everything from assessments to whole school summer trips as we complete our P5 journey. Please see below some aspects of the curriculum that we will be covering between April and June.


We will be exploring discursive writing as our writing genre this term. Within this genre, the children will be expected to explain their thoughts and feelings regarding a particular topic whilst attempting to influence/persuade the reader. This will focus on the writer’s word choice, the use of rhetorical questions and emotive language. The children are also working on their ability to read over what they have written and then re-draft their work using Microsoft word.

The children have been working extremely hard on their grammar skills and this term will focus on alliteration, onomatopoeia and compound words.

The class will continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills through working on their ability to answer different styles of comprehension questions. This is something we have already been looking at; however up until now, this has been very structured and taken at a slow pace This term, I will be looking for a more independent approach to these questions.


The children worked extremely hard last term on division and fractions, as well as linking these to percentages and decimals. This term we will focus on addition and subtraction up to 4 digits. Within addition, we will look at addition with whole numbers as well as decimal numbers and within subtraction the focus will be more around exchanging through place value columns.

Our beyond number topic will be measurement with the first focus being area and perimeter before we move onto volume and mass.

Another aspect of numeracy that will be covered this term is data handling. Throughout this, we will cover bar charts and tally marks. We will also use our knowledge of fractions from last term to help us understand pie charts.

Health and Well being

Health and Well Being this term will have a focus on food health whilst looking at the key nutrient groups and food diversity we require to stay healthy.

God’s loving plan will also be covered this term which will have a focus on growth, social networking, safe use of phones and the UN charter on right of the child.

P.E this term will be tennis, hockey, athletics and outdoor games and all the skills required.


We will be exploring our relationships with God and look at how this relationship can be deepened through prayer and trust. May is the month of Mary. We will have a focus on our mother Mary and the important role she plays in the bible stories and the life of Jesus.


This term’s topic will be local politics. We will take a closer look at what are reliable sources of information. The children will learn vocabulary such as democracy and election. This will be linked into the new SNP government and cabinet. We will celebrate Scotland’s inclusivity of a variety of cultures, values and customs.

Thank you again, Mrs McCreadie


Primary 3 Mission to the Moon Rocket Competition Winners

A huge well done to Primary 3 who submitted a winning rocket design to the MTTM competition as part of The Clean Green East Ayrshire initiative!  Our class design entry won 1st place in the STEM category across all of East Ayrshire with their Lego rocket!

An amazing job and a special congratulations to the winning engineer team for working on this design together.  Amazing team work! They each received their own certificate at school assembly on Friday for this huge achievement! AND they have won hundreds of MTTM S miles for our school! Go Team Primary 3!

Primary 1 – Term 4 Update

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. As we head into our final term, Primary 1 are “in training” for moving up to Primary 2.  As well as pushing on with new learning, we will be working hard to consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the year.


Phonics – Now that we have learnt all the sounds in the alphabet and are using these to make and break words, we are going to start learning the sounds made by two or more letters such as “sh” “ch” “th” (joint phonemes).

Spelling – We will continue to practise the spelling of our tricky common words to ensure we can use these when writing sentences. We will learn some new words to add to our ever growing bank of vocabulary.

Writing – We are continuing to develop our skills in describing this term as well as having a go at writing some words and sentences by ourselves. We will also be using our knowledge of describing to write reports about what we are learning in our topic.

Letter formation and hand writing will continue to be a focus to allow us to showcase our spelling skills with ease.

Reading – Reading for information will be a focus this term. We will look at non-fiction texts and record the facts we learn.  We will also continue to practise our decoding skills by reading all types of text whenever we can.


Numeracy – Primary 1

The focus for Numeracy this term will be number processes, measure and time.

P1 – As well as keeping our skills in addition going, we will focus on subtraction this term. We will initially explore this concept using concrete materials before developing mental strategies to help us solve calculations.

We will continue to explore the teen numbers……taking steps beyond our “terrific ten”. We will look at the quantities represented by the teen numbers and ensure we can recognise, record and order the numbers to 20.

As part of our Sun, Moon and Stars topic, we will be learning about time. We will name and order the days of the week and months of the year. We will also be exploring ways to measure time and learning to read “o’clock times” in analogue and digital formats.

Measure will also be a focus for us through our topic as we use the correct language to describe the size of various planets and shadows. We will measure using non-standard units such as our hand spans, feet and cubes.


Health & Well-Being (HWB)

During our last term of PATHS lessons we will be introduced to some new emotions. We will explore each emotion in detail, thinking about how each emotion looks and feels and will consider whether it would be a “comfortable” or “uncomfortable” feeling.

We will also continue to reinforce our strategy of “Doing Turtle” and will use our PATHS sessions to talk through our feelings about moving into our new class at the end of the year.

We will be learning about our amazing bodies and the correct names for each body part.

Staying safe on the roads, at home and what to do in an emergency will also be a focus.

During PE we will be focusing on Athletics, Striking and Fielding Games and Dance.



During the month of May, we honour “Mary”. We will recite our special prayer of the “Hail Mary” and revisit the stories of the Nativity, Annunciation and Visitation; giving special consideration to the role of Mary in each one. We will prepare our class altar in honour of Mary.

During this term, we will link our RE with our HWB through the teaching of “God’s Loving Plan.” We will be thanking God for our amazing bodies! We will learn the names of the body parts and consider the choices we can make to help look after our bodies.

We will also talk about the needs of a new born baby; learning about the tasks and equipment required to look after a baby.


IDL (Topic)

Our topic this term will be Sun, Moon and Stars. We will consider the differences between day and night through our experiences and activities. We will also observe the sky in the day and night, noting the differences. We will learn about the sun, moon and stars by listening and reading for information. We will record what we learn in a way that conveys information to others.

During our topic we will link with Maths to explore time and measure but we will also explore the earth’s rotation and how we get “day” and “night”.

There will be lots of opportunities for technology through our topic and we look forward to building and designing models.

A fun and exciting summer term ahead with lots to look forward to!

Mrs Duff

The Exchange Counselling Service

Home | Exchange Counselling

Many of our children access the Exchange counselling service. The service helps support our young people with difficulties they may be facing. They are an excellent resource that have received positive feedback from the children who access the support.

If your child attends sessions with a member of the Exchange team, could you please take time to complete this short survey. This gives you, our parents and carers, the opportunity to have your voices heard and allows you to share your feedback for the service. Please click on the link below to complete.

Thank you!

Primary 5 rainbow reward

Primary 5 chose to have an afternoon of fun and games in the pe hall this afternoon as their rainbow reward. As you can see, they had a ball!! Next week they have chosen to being their bikes and scooters into school for an afternoon outside. Please ensure that they bring their helmets in with their outdoor toys as they will be unable to take part without one. Thank you, Mrs McCreadie

Mission To The Moon

We are delighted to be participating in East Ayrshire Council’s Active Travel initiative Mission to the Moon. The aim of this project is to get young people walking to school in a bid to further reduce our carbon emissions here in East Ayrshire, while also reducing congestion at our school gates and promoting Active Travel.

 Earning S-Miles (‘School Miles’)

Each time our young people travel to/from school by walking, scooting/cycling, they will earn an S-mile for their class.


Park & Stride – pupils will earn an S-Mile even if they walk part of the journey to/from school. Bonus S-Miles can be earned by parents/siblings/staff walking the journey to school too!


A walking circuit will be available in the playground for pupils who travel to school by taxi/bus and for any pupil who wishes to gather bonus S-miles for their class during break/lunchtime. Class walks, outings and Daily Mile time also earn S-Miles for classes.


Our Eco Committee will collate our S-Miles each week in school and send our totals to the Climate Change Team at East Ayrshire Council each month.


Our S-Mile Journeys

In Mount Carmel we have agreed that our first target will be to walk the length of the Zambezi River.  This links to our Lenten SCIAF appeal, which this year is focused on supporting families in Zambia. Many children there walk up to 10 miles a day to get to school.  The length of the river is 1599 miles and we hope to accrue the equivalent miles in 3 weeks.


We will try our best to collect the miles we need within the timescale we have set. Once we have reached our target destination, we will decide on our next destination and time scale.



The Launch!

We will begin collecting S-Miles week commencing Monday 20th February and continue on our travels during the rest of Term 3 and 4. Once all participating schools across East Ayrshire have banked 238,855 S-Miles, we can launch our EAC Clean Green rocket, sending it all the way to the moon!

We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress via our school app and blog throughout the year.

Mrs McGahon

Depute Head Teacher

Primary 5 Curricular update

Curricular update – Primary 5 – Term 3

I hope you all had a lovely family Christmas!! The children are now back in class and the hard work for term 3 has already began. Here you will find an update on what will be coming up regarding the children’s learning over the next few months.


In terms of reading, the children will continue to develop their skills in their tool for reading such as using their prior knowledge to help them with a text or visualisation which allows them to use their imagination when descriptions are provided. There is a need for continued learning when it comes to answering questions regarding their texts. We will continue to work on the skill of notetaking. The children will develop an understanding that notes help to organise thinking and sort information into manageable chunks. They will also learn how to take their own notes. Within their reading, we will look at the language within texts, with a particular focus on persuasive language which will then link in with our writing this term.

Term 2 focussed on report writing whilst utilising a lot of different skills taught. The children wrote excellent newspaper reports on Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. This term, we will be learning all about response writing as well as discursive writing.

Due to the nature of discursive writing, our listening and talking focus will be on looking at the difference between fact and opinion. We will continue to complete listening tasks whilst working on our ability to listen for instructions.


I am so very proud of the entire class with regards to their learning in numeracy last term. The majority of the class used their knowledge of times tables to complete complex multiplication calculations using different number talk strategies. They worked extremely hard with Mrs MacKinnon to complete 3D shape, co-ordinates, and symmetry. They also learned about grid references. The children will continue to practise their times tables daily in order to retain these facts. This will help them when it comes to completing division tasks and fractions this term. The beyond number topics that will be taught are money and different aspects of measurement. These will be taught by Mrs MacKinnon.

Health and Well being

This term, we will have a focus on the children’s self-perception. We will look at the positive things they feel about their appearance as well as looking at what self-esteem and self-worth is. This is really important as they are the generation that are exposed to so much body image negativity in social media, it is extremely important that they understand how precious and perfect they are. As part of this, we will look at the achievements of each of the children and what areas of development they all have. There will also be a small focus on what potential careers each of the children could have and what will be required of them to achieve these goals.

Before we look at sexual health and relationships in term 4, we will first explore the meaning of the word ‘private’ and explore how important this is as we grow.

Within our P.E. lessons, we will learn about tennis, basketball and football and all of the skills and rules for each of these.


This term, we will learn about how Jesus helps people who may have been considered as outcasts during this time. We will look at how Christians across the world are called to look after everyone, regardless of religion, race, culture and treat everyone with respect.  Jesus called his disciples to follow him. We will revisit previous learning and examine the Jewish Sabbath and rituals associated with it. Towards the end of the term, the class will begin preparation for the celebration of Lent.

Expressive Arts

Art – Last term saw us explore colour and tone with paints. This term, we will be creating collages using different kinds of materials to create contrasts within a picture. We will use these skills to create art through our topic of Floods, tsunamis and landslides.

Drama – During our drama inputs, we will be learning about using different voices and how to use tone of voice to enhance characters. We will also be looking at giving constructive feedback to our peers.

IDL (Topic)

Our topic this term will be Floods, Tsunamis and Landslides. This topic will look at these natural disasters throughout our world and how climate control and climate change is impacting on these incidents.


Our science topic this term is going to be diseases within our bodies. We will also have a look at pioneers in the world of medicine, such as Joseph Lister and Alexander Fleming.


The children’s understanding of ICT and how the hardware and software can be best used. They have a good understanding of how programs such as glow and word can be used to aid their learning. This term, we will learn how to attach documents to our emails, use hyperlinks and save our work on an online platform. The class are making god progress in their ICT learning.


Mrs MacKinnon is very pleased with the progress in French so far this year. The class will be learning the French vocabulary for hobbies this term and how they can use this vocabulary properly within French spoken language.

This will be a busy term. Our P.E. days continue to be a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a suitable P.E kit in school on these days. (Indoor shoes – NOT their school shoes, a pair of shorts/joggers and a t shirt)

As always, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your ongoing support. If there is anything you need to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Many thanks, Mrs McCreadie

Oak Room

Welcome back to all families!

Pupils in the Oak Room have been very busy! The children love to come along to each session and are making great progress and great friends along the way!

This term pupils will continue to grow their social and emotional skills and will be using ‘Target Trackers’ in class to support them in this. As part of our Health and Wellbeing learning pupils will explore ‘friendship’ as a theme; we will focus on positive relationships and how we foster these and will explore issues and barriers to friendship such as bullying. Pupils will produce art work related to these themes and participate in group discussions.

The children are enjoying our group novel ‘Charlie Changes into a Chicken’, the pupils enjoy having a chapter read to them each day. This helps to regulate us and promotes conversation, attentive listening and group relationships.

Chat with your child around their attendance of the Oak Room, I am always happy to hear family feedback!



Mrs Crawford

Christmas Fayre

Hi everyone.

Our Christmas Fayre is fast approaching with only 11 days to go and we really need your help. We are looking for donations of raffle prizes, tombola prizes and bottles for the bottle stall (if these could be handed in as soon as possible we would really appreciate it) as well as home baking nearer to the actual date of the fayre.  There is lots of stall holders for you to come and visit as well as singing from our wonderful choir. We haven’t been able to hold our amazing fayre for a couple of years now so let’s make this one amazing!!

All donations are very much appreciated and can be handed into the school office. 

Thank you and we cannot wait to welcome you back into our wonderful school. Details below.

Date: 2nd December 2022 

Doors open at 6:15pm with choir singing at 6:30pm (stalls etc will open after the choir has sang.)

Price: £2.50 per adult and children get free entry (all tickets get you a free hot drink)

Special visitor: Santa will be attending and for £2 your child can visit him and receive a special present. 


Christmas Clipart, Christmas Time, Merry Christmas, - Merry ...

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire