Category Archives: Primary 5 blog

Primary 5 Term 2 Update

Primary 5 – Term 2 Update 

Hello everyone, 

Welcome to the P5 update for Term 2. 

Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) 

This term, our interdisciplinary topic will be ‘The Victorians in Scotland’. We will be exploring the life of Queen Victoria and the many accomplishments during her reign that had a significant impact on the people and children of Scotland. Additionally, the class will be learning about influential groups, as well as notable scientists and artists from this period whose visions helped shape the modern world. The children will be able to act out a day in the life of a Victorian school pupil and take part in a Victorian P.E. lesson. 


We have almost finished last term’s class novel, The Butterfly Lion and will be deepening our knowledge of comprehension strategies and questioning this term with our new class novel, Rivet Boy by Barbara Henderson. 

In writing, we have started work on narrative stories and after this, will then move onto response pieces. The class will continue to edit and redraft their work to improve clarity and detail.  

For talking and listening, there will be a health and wellbeing focus on friendships and what makes a good friend. We will also be improving our listening skills and the importance of listening to others. 


Our focus for Numeracy in Term 2 will be Addition and then Subtraction. Groups will expand on their prior learning and add and subtract with 2, 3 and 4 digits, carrying and exchanging, what this looks like using practical materials and then spending some time exploring negative numbers and their real-world contexts. 

On Thursdays, Mrs Terras will be teaching the children about money and then moving on to measuring area. 

Health and Wellbeing 

Our P.E. sessions are scheduled for Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Please ensure that your child brings in their P.E. kit on the correct day.  

The key areas for this term will be Gymnastics with myself and Football with Mrs Terras.  

Within our P.A.T.H.S lessons children will be looking at ‘The Control Signals’ (Stop, Make a Plan and Go) that help us calm down when we are faced with a problem. This will also link in with our friendship focus in Health and Wellbeing.  

We are broadening our studies in Health and Wellbeing to look at why groups of people may avoid certain food groups, viewing some of the statistics surrounding obesity in Scotland and how adverts we see on various platforms contribute to this. 


In term 2, we will be looking at many different topics such as Remembrance, how we honour our departed and the promise of eternal life through the month of November. December will be a month for learning about Advent as well as composing our own prayers. In both months, we will be researching some of the many Saints, how they were the models of Christian life and how they can help us through prayer. Mrs Terras will concentrate on the life of St Vincent de Paul on a Thursday. 

Expressive Arts 

Our expressive arts will be interwoven through our learning of our new class topic. We will experience techniques such as printing, allowing the children to create their own stamps and prints using everyday materials.  

Mrs Terras will be focussing on drama this term with the class using drama games, creating and evaluating group performances. 


We have been working on getting groups of pupils onto the school Glow network, resetting passwords and accessing educational resources as well as their pupil emails. I will be sending reminders of children’s glow log ins and Bug Club passwords home with them in the coming weeks, please keep an eye out for this.   

Our ICT time will also be used for word processing our narrative and response writing pieces, learning how to save those files and retrieve them.  

1+2 Languages 

Primary 5 will be learning some Spanish phrases to say hello, goodbye, introduce themselves as well as ask someone else’s name. In French, Mrs Terras will be looking at classroom vocabulary as well as the use of ‘le’, ‘la’ and ‘les’ before nouns. 

Thanks as always for your continued support

Miss Carr & Mrs Terras