Please note when we return after the Christmas break we will be on week 2 of the school lunch menu, however, there will be a change to the menu for the Monday only of that week.
P1 Registration week will take place from Monday 13 January 2025 until Friday 17 January 2025 for children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026, and whose parents/carers wish them to attend school
Registration forms should be completed online and submitted no later than Friday 17January 2025. Adverts have been placed in the Kilmarnock Standard and Cumnock Chronicle for early December to advise parents/carers. East Ayrshire Council web pages will be updated and our communication team will send out information on relevant social media platforms.
We will also send you information to go out on the Safer Schools Scotland on registration week.
Placing requests for P1’s should be completed and submitted no later than 31 January 2025.
It’s great to see so many parents ordering their child’s school photos.
For those parents who are yet to order online, you have until Monday 9th December 2024to take advantage of free delivery back to school. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit
If you, your family or someone you know is struggling this Christmas, please visit the annual Christmas Toy Appeal which will be held in the Masonic Hall, London Road Kilmarnock on the dates shown. This event is organised and run by wonderful volunteers who are committed to ensuring no child goes without at this time of year.
Tickets for our P1-3 Nativity “A Christmas Recipe” are now on sale via Parentpay at a cost of £2 each. At the moment, tickets are limited to 2 per family (eg. 2 for the afternoon performance OR 2 for the evening performance OR 1 for each performance)
There are separate payment items for afternoon tickets and evening tickets.
Once paid for, tickets will be sent home in schoolbags. Please bring them with you on the day of the performance.
OR scan the QR code below to complete the calendar order form.
Don’t forget to pay for your calendars viaParentpay.
Calendars are £2.50 each
*If you are unsure if your child was at school on the day the photographs were taken , please pop into the school foyer where the sample calendars will be on display and you will be able to view the appropriate class photo.*
This month instead of 1 raffle , we have 2!, where the children have the chance to win a fabulous advent calendar; either a Hot Wheels one or a Barbie one. You can enter either raffle or both via Parentpay.
Today is the last day to buy raffle tickets for our Double raffle! Both raffles will be drawn on Friday 29th.
A reminder that this Friday (29th) is our final dress down day of the month. If possible we are kindly asking for any donations of home baking for our Christmas Fayre.
A reminder that we have Tempest Photography coming tomorrow for individual pupil photographs. Please note there will be NO provision for sibling photographs this year.
Today we took delivery of an enormous delivery of brand new school uniform which was kindly and very generously donated to our school by Tesco Extra, Kilmarnock.
These items will be added to our Uniform Exchange.
The Book Fair will be on display and available to purchase books from during both our Pupil Progress Meetings; tomorrow and Thursday.
We do not accept cash for any purchases made from the Book Fair. Instead, there will be order forms available on both nights where you can order a book(s) and make payment online at the same time.
All order forms will then be delivered to the school office and orders made up and distributed to pupils in due course.
The SHA are hosting a come try event for all mini players, boys and girls (born 2014/2015 – roughly P5 and P6) and a female only event for two age categories – players born 2012/2013 (P7&S1) and players born 2010/2011 (S2&S3).
For young people to sign up, their parent/guardian must complete the MS forms that is linked below.
It’s that time of year when children will be making journeys to school and back in the dark. When the evenings are darker, visibility is greatly reduced for everyone which makes pedestrians and cyclists even more vulnerable than usual so help us promote:
‘Be safe Be seen day’ on the 22nd November.
We want to encourage all pupils to wear something bright on their journeys to school. Remember we are looking for as bright as they want, fluorescent and especially reflective clothing is so important when the days become darker.
We hope you have fun helping us promote this important road safety message and please let us know what great ideas you come up with and if sharing on your socials be sure to tag us #ayrshireroads.
Do you have any Christmas Jumpers/party clothes which are too small for your child/children? If you do, we would be very grateful if you could hand them into the school.