All posts by A FERGUSSON

Breakfast Club

Letters have gone home today regarding Breakfast Club. This year we have received over 60 requests for places, however, we continue to have only 30 spaces. This will result in a number of families not receiving a space.

As our Breakfast Club staffing is not authority funded but funded using our Pupil Equity Fund this means that spaces are allocated linked to a range of criteria including:

  • SIMD (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation)
  • school attendance over a number of years
  • latecoming over a number of years

Receiving a place in previous years does not guarantee a space for the coming year. Daily fees of £1 ( currently supplemented to reduce costs to 80p) this covers the authority cost of food only.

If you have received a letter offering your child a space at Breakfast Club for Session 23/24 please return to the school office no later than Wednesday 26th June

We currently have a waiting list for spaces at breakfast club therefore if we don’t receive your letter by this date accepting the place allocated to your child we will assume that the place is no longer required and allocate the space to one of our waiting list children.

Thank you for your support with this.


World of Work Day – thank you!

I would just like to say thank you all so much again for giving up your own time yesterday to help at our career day. Without all of your help it wouldn’t have been such a success! The children had a fantastic day learning different information about your job roles as well as having the opportunity to try on and use the equipment that was brought and have the opportunity to see the emergency service vehicles too! Mount Carmel are super grateful for you all and we hope you enjoyed our day too!

Thank you,

Miss Grimley

Christmas Show Photographs

We apologise for the delay in the publication of our Christmas show photographs.  This will be published soon in the form of a password protected SWAY document.  The password will be emailed to the main contact on our school records.

If you do not wish your child’s photograph to be used in this please contact the school by the end of Thursday this week.


November Dress Down Days


During November we will have a number of dress down days on Fridays.

Friday 10th November – please bring in a donation for the Christmas Fayre tombola or bottle stall

Friday 17th November – Children in Need Dress Down Day.  Please follow the link on ParentPay to donate

Friday 24th November – please bring in a donation for the Christmas Fayre tombola or bottle stall


Return to school

All of the staff at Mount Carmel and looking forward to seeing the children return on Monday. We have missed them over the holidays and cannot wait to see how much they have grown.

Children in Primary 2 should line up outside the open area, Primary 3 line up as the Primary 3’s did last year.  Primary 6 and 7 will line up at the middle playground and Primary 4 and 5 will line up at the front playground.

A reminder regarding snacks that we are a nut free school.  Children must not bring snacks or lunch items that contain nuts.


Fr Martin

It was with heavy hearts today that we listened to Fr Martin announce he would be moving parish to take up a new post in Troon.

Fr Martin has supported our children on their faith journey in a unique and caring way. We will be sad to see him leave on the 30th June, however, we wish him well in his new role.

Fr Martin has been central to our Mount Carmel Family and will continue to always have a special place in our hearts.

Reminder School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023

School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Time

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –


Proposed Change to Break and Lunch Times

Staff and pupils have recently been consulted on a proposed change to the time of the school break and lunch time.  We would now like to consult parents and carers on this too.  Please take some time to let us know your views on this.

Current Times: Break 10:30-10:45 Lunch 12:15-1:00

Proposed New Times: Break 10:40-10:55 Lunch 12:35-1:20

This change would mean that each part of the school day was 1hr and 40mins. This survey will close on Friday 21st April.

Survey link –