School Improvement Priorities

As we get to this time of the year we reflect back on what has happened this session and plan for next session.

In 2020-2021 our Improvement Plan focused on:

· Raising attainment in reading, spelling and phonics using Active Literacy approaches

· Improving outcomes in numeracy focusing on counting, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

· Implementing year 2 of the PATHS programme to help improve outcomes in health and wellbeing.

As we know periods of lockdown and Covid restrictions severely impacted on our school and it has been a challenge to take some initiatives forward. We will fully evaluate the impact of these priorities when we compile our Standards and Quality report and Improvement Plan for 2021-2022 early in the new term.

In 2021-2022 our intention is to focus on the following priorities:

· Raising attainment in writing using a whole school approach to teaching specific types of text.

· Introducing Learning Journal in P1-3, which is safe on-line sharing platform.

· Raising attainment in numeracy, particularly in mental calculations.

· Improve outcomes in health and wellbeing, developing nurturing approaches across the school, building community through a refresh of our vision, values and aim reflecting Rights Respecting Schools and further develop our Respect for All Policy. Continuing with our PATHS approaches.

If you have any comments or suggestions please contact us at: