Primary 7 Home Learning Tasks – w/b 15th June

Hello Primary 7,

Well it’s safe to say we’re on the final countdown now. Not the countdown you were hoping for but hopefully we’ll be able to celebrate your time at Mount Carmel in a different way!

Mrs. Fergusson and Mrs. McGahon have been phoning your families to check how you all are. I’m pleased to hear that you are all doing well and looking forward to going to St Joseph’s. It’s important that over the next two weeks you log onto your emails and keep checking the school blog/twitter for updates on S1 transition/P7 leavers information. You should check the St Joseph’s twitter page and blog too.

By now you should all have heard which House you’ll be in at St Joseph’s. Some of you have got in contact to let me know – I’m excited for you. There will be a P7’s from MCPS in every house.

Thank you to the P7’s who are sending me their completed tasks. I love looking at all the excellent work you’ve been doing at home. I am proud of how well you’ve adapted to home learning. Well done!

The grids and tasks for this week are posted below. As always (and it’s becoming my lockdown motto) Do what you can, when you can.

Love Miss Mudge


Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 15th June Jazz!

Reading Grid wb 15th June

Personification worksheets


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid 15th June

Square and Cubed Numbers core tasks

Co-ordinates follow up tasks

Circles design ideas


Friendship 4-7

Friendship Poem 4-7