Primary 5 -Term 2 Update


This term in literacy we will be learning to improve our note-taking skills to aid with our comprehension strategy of summarising and paraphrasing.  As well as continuing with our Bug Club readers this term,  we will also be looking at non-fiction texts to support note taking and apply this skill within in our writing lessons where we will focus on producing a fact file and report. In addition, we will continue work on our phonemes through our Active spelling programme.

Numeracy & Maths

In numeracy, groups will focus on the following :

  • Fractions, Percentages & Decimals
  • Division
  • Subtraction

All groups will work on mental maths revision and problem solving across all areas every day through number talks, interactive challenges or ‘fast five’ activities. Beyond number, P5 will be looking at ‘Time’ and ‘Money’ .

Health & Wellbeing /P.E

This term we are continue to work through our PATHS programme with a focus on different types of feelings, as well as ‘Pupil of the Day’.

In P.E, we will be working on ‘Gymnastics‘ and ‘Basketball‘, building necessary physical skills within these sports such as co-ordination, control, precision and balance, as well as teamwork strategies. A kind reminder :  P.E days are Wed/Fri and we would ask that your child comes prepared with a kit,  a change of shoes (indoor) and without wearing jewellery if possible as not coming prepared can often result in reduced lesson time.


We have started our exciting new topic this term where we are travelling around the globe as we look at ‘Continents’.  We will be exploring and finding out lots of interesting facts about Asia, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica,Europe, North America and South America. This will include using our new note-taking skills as we learn facts about landmarks, physical features (Rivers, mountains), Countries & Capitals including mapping skills.


Jan/Feb – We will be looking at ‘Judaism’ and ‘Life in the time of Jesus’ in first century Palestine.

Feb/Mar – Preparations for Lent.