Primary 6 update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and enjoyed the glorious sunshine.

I can’t believe we are coming into June and the final month of Primary 6. This month is going to be busy. Below is information for parents and carers.


We are hopeful that buddying will be able to go ahead in August. Thank you to all the parents and carers who signed the forms allowing the pupils to record videos for their P1 buddies. This week Primary 6 will find out the name of their P1 buddy and will record their ‘Hello’ videos introducing themselves.

God’s Loving Plan

This week we will be commencing our God’s Loving Plan unit. Primary 6 have been notified that this will be happening and have been encouraged to let their parents and carers know. Primary 6 are aware of what is expected of them during this unit. Please be prepared to discuss sensitive issues at home with your child.

Lastly, if the weather stays as it has been this weekend we will be spending a lot more time outdoors. Please ensure children apply suncream before coming to school.

Thank you,

Miss Mudge