Thank you!

This week all the boys and girls have taken part in an amazing set of Health Week activities.  This has been supported by Primary 5 and Mrs McGowan.

We as a a school would like to say a huge thank you to all of the people that have been involved in making this such as a special week.

Thank you for organising events:

Mrs Crawford

Mrs McGowan and Primary 5

Mr Bertoncini

Mrs McCreadie

Thank you to TESCO for providing fruit for the week.

Thank you to Stephanie and our amazing kitchen staff for healthy snacks.

Thank you for providing activities:

Active Schools – Mark Devlin

Dumfries House

North West Amateur Boxing Club

Phoenix Tae Kwan Do

Bellahouston Harriers

Kilmarnock Rugby Club

Kilmarnock Football Club

PC Dempster

And as always thank you to all of our amazing staff for other additional activities during the week.