Home Learning Week beginning 11th January

We have adapted our format for Home Learning.  For P1 and P2 work will be shared on the class blogs area of the website.  For P3-P7 children will be using the TEAMS tool as the main platform for receiving and sharing work.  The TEAMS tool is accessible through GLOW.  Please follow this link for guidance on accessing Teams Microsoft Teams Guidance for Parents.docx.  Children have received a copy of their GLOW email and password. If your child is unsure of this  please use the website query page.

On Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th January, activities will be accessible on class blogs for all children and added to the P3-P7 TEAMS pages.

On Monday and Tuesday there will be literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing tasks.  From Wednesday children will receive daily tasks in literacy and numeracy.  There will also be a further other curricular area (IDL) activity.  We request that literacy and numeracy tasks are completed daily, IDL tasks can be completed if time allows.  Completed work can be emailed directly to class teachers.

Primary 1 – Mrs Duff karen.duff@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 1/2 – Mrs Dunsmore alana.baird@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 3 – Mrs Strachan aisling.strachan@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 4 – Mrs Travers susan.travers@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 5 – Mrs McGowan angela.mcgowan@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 6 – Miss Mudge nicola.mudge@eastayrshire.org.uk

Primary 6/7 – Mr Bertoncini elio.bertoncini@eastayrshire.org.uk

We are currently awaiting further guidance from East Ayrshire Council and will be in touch with arrangements for subsequent weeks.

Mrs McConville

Head Teacher