All about shape in Primary 6

We have had another busy week in Primary 6! There has been so much excellent work I had to share it with parents and carers.

The pupils started exploring 3D and 2D shapes this week. Some of our pupils were identifying polygons and their properties whilst others explored regular and irregular 2D shapes.

All pupils revised the properties of 3D shapes and the pupils were able to take part in practical activities.

The pupils also created their own tessellations with some pupils opting to use 2D shapes and others challenging themselves by creating their own templates.

The pupils also learned how to draw 3D shapes and I was so impressed with the work they produced!

The pupils also used their problem solving (and patience) skills to try and solve tangrams. These proved challenging but they used their resilience to try and solve them.

What a busy week. I’m so proud of all the Primary 6’s. We’re looking forward to exploring 2D and 3D shape further next week 🙂

Miss Mudge