P5 Home Learning Grids – Health Week – WB 8th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve had a great weekend in the sunshine. This week is health week and you can find out all about whole school extra activities by following our school blog for more information too.  Below are your health week activities on your grids but remember to only do what you can and have fun!


P5 Numeracy Grid 8th June


P5 Literacy Grid 8th June

Alphabet Alliteration Worksheet


Health Week Grid 4-7

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity 
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

Be sure to get outside in this great weather although make sure you have plenty of water to drink and suncream applied.  Enjoy your weekend!

Have a great week!

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre