P7 Home Learning w/b 25th May

Hello Primary 7,

This is a bit of a different week because you are on holiday from school Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th. Therefore you only have five tasks in the Numeracy and Literacy grids to do. Again, do what you can, when you can. I am on Teams from 9-3pm.

I am still looking for Primary 1 photos, I’ve sent another reminder email out.

I hope everyone managed to read the S1 Transition message from Mr Kane and Mr Boyle. It is on the Mount Carmel blog page and I emailed it.

Lastly, I love looking at all the work you’ve been sending me. I am very proud of you all. Thank you for all your hard work. Bitmoji Image

Have a relaxing long weekend and fingers crossed the sun comes out at some point.

Love Miss Mudge



Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 25th May

My Shadow poem

Green Group Poetry Tasks

Yellow Group Poetry Tasks

Green Group prefix activity

Yellow Group Spelling Task and Answers


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 25th May

Circles Numeracy Task 1

Circles Numeracy Task 2

Triangles Numeracy Task 1

Triangles Numeracy Task 2


Rainbow 4-7

french rainbow