P5 Home Learning Grids WB 11th May

Hi everyone, a huge thank you to all those who have sent in pictures of your activities so far.  It’s fab to see you working hard.

Here are next weeks grids and accompanying worksheets:


P5 Literacy Grid 11th May pdf

P5 Literacy Grid 11th May (Word version including hyperlinks)

Common Homophones

The Iron Man Audio

The Iron Man Chapter One Transcript 

The Iron Man’ Comprehension Task sheets

All – >Please email the ‘The Iron Man’ tasks to Mrs McIntyre by Friday 15th am please.  Also, any pictures or videos from the movie scene task last week please continue to share. I will share/upload them onto our group email.


P5 Numeracy Grid May 11th

Circles – dividing decimals

Rectangles – Simplifying fractions

Squares – Subtraction

Triangles – Subtraction


Health P4-7

There is plenty to keep you working hard but remember only do what you can.  There is no need to complete all tasks.

Enjoy the Friday holiday!