Good afternoon everyone!
Please find below the Home Learning tasks for next week.
Try your best to complete the core tasks and even some of the optional ones. We are loving the pictures and work your are sending us so keep it coming!
Remember : Only do what is right for you and your family each day!
Here is a possible routine for you to follow:
8:00 -9:00 Get washed, dressed and eat breakfast.
9:00 -9:45 P.E. with Joe Wicks (Youtube), Cosmic Kidz Yoga (Youtube),Play in Garden, Family walk*, Walk the dog * or Just Dance Kids. *Only if not Self-Isolating or showing symptoms of COVID-19.
9:45 -10:00 Snack
10:00 – 11:30 Quick Daily Rigour starter followed by a numeracy task and Sumdog.
11:30 -12:00 Optional task
12:00 -13:00 Lunch and free time /outside play
13:00 – 14:00 Literacy task
14:00 -14:15 Quick break
14:15-15:00 Optional task