Toys in school

Please remember that toys should not be brought to school daily. There are lots of wonderful activities for the children to complete outdoors. They should not bring their own toys from home to play with at break and lunch time. If the class teacher requests toys to come in for a special occasion then they will be kept safe in the classroom and again should not be taken out to the playground.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Uniform Exchange

Very soon you will see a big change taking place in the school foyer as we would like to create a uniform exchange area in the school. If you have any donations of school jumpers, cardigans,  skirts, trousers etc. that no longer fit your children but would still be great for others.

We will let you know more about this once we have properly created our area for the exchange.

Primary 4 Homework

Primary 4 Homework

Maths – Log onto Sumdog and complete 1000 maths questions as part of East Ayrshire Competition (some time will also be given at school).

Literacy – Reading taking part in the First Ministers Reading Challenge.  Please read a book with your child and complete a review in their Reading Passport.   Also complete ‘Share a Story’ tasks.

World Book Day – Thursday dress up as a character from a book of your choice, bring the book if possible to share with the class.

Optional homework – decorate a potato as  a book character of your choice and bring to class on Thursday.

Our P.E. days will be on Tuesday and Friday this week.

Thank you,

Mrs Strachan

World Book Day

On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day .

Children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book and can bring that book to school with them. This is the first of our SCIAF activities – £1 donation can be paid through Parent Pay.

There will be lots going on throughout the day including:

  • Whole school character parade
  • Author’s Live with Michael Rosen and Tanya Roberts
  • Community story sharing- Visits from PC Dempster and Fr. Martin (Friday 6th March)
  • Launch of our Share a Story campaign- more information to follow.

Primary 7 Homework – World Book Day

World Book Day

On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Along with planned whole school activities, Primary 7 have their own World Book Day home challenges to complete. There will be no spelling homework this week to allow the learners more time to complete the home challenges.

On Thursday the learners can come dressed as their favourite character from a book.

To celebrate World Book Day, and promote reading for enjoyment, there are FREE audio books available here –

Numeracy Homework 

For Numeracy homework the March Rigour Calendars are available below for 1st, 2nd and 3rd level (challenge). Learners can start completing their calendars this week. Completed calendars can be handed in at the end of March to receive house tokens.

Happy Reading!

Miss Mudge

Book Week Homework – P7 – click here for the Home Challenges

Reading-stars-leaflet-4 – click here for Reading stars challenge

March Calendars – click here for Numeracy Calendars