Primary 7 Home Learning Tasks wb Monday 30th March

Please find below the Home Learning Tasks for the week.

Remember to try to complete the core tasks and some of the additional tasks.  There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Literacy Task

Numeracy Task

Health and Wellbeing Task

Possible daily routine.

8.00-9.00 Breakfast, play outside

9.00-10.00 Joe Wicks on YouTube and spelling/handwriting

10.00-11.00 Home Learning – Literacy task

11.00-11.30 Snack and play outside

11.30-12.30 Home Learning- Numeracy tasks

12.30 – 1.30 Lunch and play outside

1.30-2.30 Walk or exercise

2.30-3.00 Home Learning – IDL task