First Confession

Congratulations to our fabulous Primary 3 children, who celebrated the lovely sacrament of confession for the first time last night.

Thank you to Fr Jim for making it such a memorable and prayerful celebration, and also thank you to the P4 children who came along and celebrated the sacrament with their P3 friends.

Please keep the children in  your prayers as they continue on their faith journeys.

Whole School Summer Trip

Free Vector | Hand drawn school trip illustration

We are excited to let you know that we have just booked our whole school summer trip  to Heads of Ayr Farm Park!

The trip is booked for Wednesday 18th June . The buses will leave the school at 9.30am and the children will be back at school in time for normal school pick up at 3pm. 

If your child does not wish to attend the trip, they will need to stay at home on the day as there will be no provision for them in school.

We are very grateful to St. Vincent De Paul  who have made a very generous  donation towards our buses which has helped to keep the cost per child down.

We have set up the trip on Parentpay today with an initial NON- REFUNDABLE deposit of £8 payable by Friday 2nd May . This will leave only one more payment of £8 to be paid by Friday 30th May.

Permission forms will be sent home this week.  These must be returned no later than Friday 30th May. 

No Parking – Crossgates Care Home

      Reminder  that  parents/carers should not use the Crossgates Care Home Car Park when dropping off or collecting their children.

This is a private car park for use of staff & resident families ONLY 

Access should always be given to Emergency Service vehicles and overcrowding of this car park could prevent this from happening.

Please be considerate at all times when dropping off or collecting your children 



Our wonderful P6 class were invited along to East Ayrshire’s STEM event at St Joseph’s Academy this week. There, they met the other P6 children from our Education group and began forming friendships which marks the beginning of their transition to the high school. The activities ranged from a virtual tour of a submarine from the Royal Navy, to programming and coding robots. Everyone had great fun!! We definitely have some future engineers at Mount Carmel.

East Ayrshire Leisure App

As you may well know, Active Schools, are transferring over to the Leisure Trust as of the 1st April. This will bring some imminent changes to our booking system for our holiday provision.

Families will need to download the East Ayrshire Leisure App (links below) in order to book spaces. Information on our sessions will be out shortly, we’re working through it the now.

EAC School app – EALT App

New Cashless Catering System

Dear parent / carer

From Monday 3rd March 2025 we are introducing a new Cashless Catering system in your child’s school.

Catering Services recognised that it was time to update their cashless payment system. They researched and engaged with companies to find a system that is straightforward and easy for you to use. They have also ensured that the system utilises the latest technology available.

The new ordering system will therefore make the process quicker for your child at lunchtime and by ordering in advance will help Catering Services reach climate change targets by reducing food waste.

All meals will be ordered by parents through ParentPay, using your existing Parentpay login.

The system will be easy to use. You will log in to ParentPay and select school meals. Then all you have to do is check the menus, select a meal for your child, then they collect it at lunchtime as normal.

ParentPay knows if your child qualifies for a free school meal so you can order with the knowledge that no payment is required. If your child pays for their school meal, you will have to make payment within 2 hours of the meal being ordered.

Meals must be ordered by 8am and can be ordered up to three weeks in advance.

You will be able to make your first meal bookings on ParentPay on the evening of Friday 28th February.

The link below will take you to an instructional video on how to book school meals.

Video – How to book a meal – ParentPay (

Additional allergen and dietary information:

The new system will also have improved allergy and dietary management, so you can be confident that special dietary requirements are observed. Make sure this information is up to date by contacting your school.


If you have provided current dietary information for your child, this will be updated on the new system and will block any meal choices that contain approved allergens.

The system is also a useful information tool for parents and carers in displaying allergen information linked to each online menu item this includes all information for pupils following religious and lifestyle diets.

Bishop Dougan’s visit to Mount Carmel and P4

P4 enjoyed their visit from Bishop Frank Dougan  last Thursday.    We were able to ask Bishop Frank lots of questions about being a Bishop and what it involves.

We spoke about the Sacrament of Confirmation and afterwards  we were excited to see some of the special clothing a Bishop  wears.     P4 pupils were able to try on the ceremonial hats such as a miter and our particular class favourite –  The bishop’s zucchetto, which is a  purple skullcap. We also looked at the pontifical ring which we learned is always worn on the Bishop’s right hand, as well as his cross and Bishop’s crosier (symbolically shaped like a shepherd’s staff).

Click here to see photos from Bishop Dougan’s visit

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