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Taking our hats off to Saint Andrew

Happy Saint Andrew’s Day!   🙂 🙂 🙂


We celebrated Saint Andrew…

with stories, songs, music and …. ART!

We made Storytelling Hats-

We drew pictures of Fishing boats-

We printed fish using ‘all kinds of things!’

( Can you guess? )

Dear Saint Andrew,

Our Patron Saint and First Apostle.

We are guided by your example-

Help us to share the joy of the Gospel with good words and loving actions.


Listen to the Willows

We have been celebrating Book Week Scotland.

We have been inspired by ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert MacFarlane…

… and beautifully illustrated by Jackie Morris.

We enjoyed listening to Birdsong, especially the little wren.

We enjoyed listening to Spell Songs especially ‘Willow’

Lean in, lean in and listen…

We will listen for a day, a week, a year…

Until we know what willows say.

Happy Book Week – Scotland!

… ART Showcase …

Young Persons Gallery – Dick Institute

Last chance to see a lovely variety of Artwork from students of Ayrshire College…

Exhibition runs until 19th November 2022.

Fantastic Printmaking on view…

… including colourful digital prints and detailed woodcuts.

Well done to all the Graduates! 🙂

Tree of the Year 2022

Woodland Trust

Tree of the Year 2022

A tree may be a village’s oldest inhabitant, a founding figure in a region’s identity or a natural monument integral to a nation’s story. It can also be a much-loved local landmark, a place to play and exercise, a gardener’s pride and joy or a space for communities to gather.

My favourite is…

8. The Portal Tree Rowan



Fact file

Approximate age: estimated to be over 150 years old.

Girth: 2.90 metres.

This remarkable tree grows in the landscaped grounds of Mavisbank House, one of Scotland’s most important historic houses from the 1700s. This ancient rowan has a huge girth and extensive decay.

This striking tree has bent over to form a full archway which now has growth sprouting from its top. Rowans feature heavily in folklore and although it’s not known if this tree was deliberately trained into this shape or formed naturally, it’s easy to imagine it being a portal to another world!

( All information from The Woodland Trust)

🙂   🙂   🙂

The winner will be announced on Friday 4th of November.

   Remember… Every Tree Matters!

We have lots of interesting trees around Kilmarnock-

in our green spaces and parks.

   Can you identify these three trees-

from the grounds of the Dick Institute?

They are all ancient and tagged (considered important enough to be protected)

Why not head out and have a look for yourself…

Monkey Puzzle, Holly, Lime