Creative Burns

Robert Burns has been a creative influence on Expressive Arts down through the years-

We might immediately begin to think of Scots Language- Reading and writing poems and stories- Music, songs and events around the birthday of the bard on the 25th of January each year.

   ‘My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose’


The life, loves and works of Robert Burns have also inspired artists to create portraits and portray the colourful characters in his poems.


Here are three more Scottish Artists who have been inspired by the ‘Ploughman Poet’.

There are, of course, many more…


    ‘To A Mouse’

by Margaret Irving Miller

This image is an illustration for Irving Miller’s collected poems written by Robert Burns-    ‘Burns for Bairns’


     ‘Robert Burns’

by Greg Moodie

This image comes from a mixed media piece using silkscreen printing, collage, acrylic paint and pastels.

     ‘To Ruin’

by Peter Howson

A collection of 15 works to celebrate the opening of Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Alloway.                                                                                    Three large pieces are in oil paints and twelve smaller pieces in pastels.


  ‘Off with the Tail’

by Alexander Goudie

The epic poem telling the story of Tam O’Shanter depicted in 54 images.                                                                                                                                         (The whole thing was commissioned in 1996 for the 200th Anniversary of the death of Robert Burns in 1796. )


Our own wee artists have been busy too…



These portraits were made by drawing with charcoal – Then rubbing and smudging to produce interesting textures and add tone.

The P.3. Bubble children cut circles and cut shapes too from prepared tartan paper. The designed the mount and put it all together.

‘Up in the morning’s no for me,                                                                                     Up in the morning early!

When a’ the hills are cover’d wi snaw-                                                                       I’m sure it’s winter fairly!’

The P.3 Bubble Children were inspired to create these Winter Trees.

They used masking tape, paint and sponged the background.                   They used paper marked with charcoal to cut and collage the trunk and branches of the trees.

   Legacy Burns…

More than 200 years after the death of Robert Burns, his descendant, Elizabeth Burns, was working as a Poet and Potter to great acclaim!

She might be his great, great, great……. niece ?

I will try to do a post on her, at some point, as I think her story is very interesting.


   Keep Creating!



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