Jigsaws 🧩

Hi Everyone

I hope all you guys are feeling good and have been outside as much as you can getting some fresh air πŸ˜€

Today I was thinking that you could try and make your own jigsaws with your grown up.
You will only need 2 things to do this –
1 scissors
2 a picture or photo

I have used a picture out a colouring in book but you could ask your grown up for a photo or maybe a page out a magazine.

I have cut my picture into 4 pieces to start with. See how you get on with that. If that’s too easy try cutting it into 6 bits, then 8 and keep going!
The more pieces you have the harder it is to put back together!

You could try doing it with different picture or you could try drawing a picture of your own and cutting it up.
I would love to see photos of the jigsaws that you make 🧩

Have a great day 😊
Jill 🟩


Messy sensory play πŸŸ£πŸ”΅πŸŸ’πŸŸ‘πŸ”΄

Hello everyone πŸ™‚,

While in nursery we play with lots of different sensory items this can range from play dough all the way to messy sticky slime..

I thought I would post some ingredients of how we make some of our messy play..





We also enjoy playing with dry pasta, rice and cereal these items are good for filling and pouring and using our imagination…

Maybe you could make a necklace with some pasta or cereal.

Have fun experimenting with the different ingredients.Β  I can’t wait to see what use have been doing πŸ™‚.

Tracey 🟣



Announcements this week….

Good afternoon everyone,

As we end another week of home learning I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our families for their patience and understanding during this time. I have no doubts of the struggles that many of you will be facing having to work from home and may be home schooling as well.Β  You are all doing such an amazing job!! All the staff are here to support as best as we can so if it’s some advice, or just to have someone listen to you then we are here! Give us an email or request a phone call and you will hear from one of us.

This week we explored the importance of our children’s mental health…this goes without saying that our own mental health is vitally important also. So please always remember to find the time for some enjoyment in the house, whether this be something the full family loves or if you can find some ‘me’ time.Β  Settling down to watch a movie, with popcorn and snacks, an outdoor walk to park for a runabout whatever your family enjoys.

The announcements this week from the Scottish Government is hopeful for a return of Early Years from the 22nd February, this will be verified on the 16th February so please keep a watch out for that announcement. Any clarification of detail will follow on GLOW after this date.Β  We hope to have you all back with us soon and the journey to coming out of this pandemic will be on the move again.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and are able to get out for some fresh air no matter the weather.





Friday 5th February β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’š

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well 😊

This week we have been focusing on our mental health and speaking about the many different emotions we face in life..

It is very important that we support children to recognise their feelings and express their emotions in order for them to develop the ability to manage them throughout their life.

Have a listen to the story below and let’s see if you can recognise any of the feelings throughout.. Can you have a think and remember a time that you felt super happy… or maybe a time that you felt sad? Β Have you ever felt a bit nervous… scared… or even a little embarrassed?


I would love to hear any comments, these can be emailed to Michelle.quinn@eastayrshire.org.uk

Have a lovely weekend everyone, Michelle ❀️

Good Morning Everyone πŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›β€

In nursery we like to talk about our feelings and know it’s okay to feel different emotions.

Can you use a mirror or a camera to look at your different facial expressions?Β  Β Can you make a happy face, sad face, angry face and a silly face?


Sometimes if we are feeling tired, grumpy or full of energy in nursery we like to get active as this always makes us feel happier πŸ™‚.

We do this by going outside to run about and play or can also be done by:-

MUSIC AND MOVEMENT – singing and dancing to your favourite tunes.Β  ThisΒ  is great for your gross motor skills and muscle strength.

MOVE LIKE AN ANIMAL – crawl around the room like a bear or jump like a frog or even slither like a snake…the boys and girls enjoy the song “see the little bunnies sleeping” and each time we would change to a different animal.

ANDY’S WILD WORKOUTS – this can be found on the BBC iplayer.

COSMIC KIDS YOGA – there are lots to choose from why not give one a go.

TIDY UP RACING GAME – See who can tidy up first!Β  Who will get the last toy or the last piece of Lego?Β  Pick a song for the tidy up song ..can you tidy all your toys before the song finishes.

Have fun being active for the day πŸ™‚ let me know how it made you feel πŸ™‚.




Wednesday 3rd February πŸ’™πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’š

Playing is a crucial part of how children’s minds develop and how they make sense of the confusing world around them, especially the situation we are in at the moment, letting their imaginations run wild will help them cope during this time and keep them emotionally and physically healthy.
Firstly today, we are going to think about some emotions or occasions that have felt a bit scary at times.
Maybe it was the first day of nursery, a trip to the doctors or maybe it was mum leaving to go to work. Think about how you felt, where in your body did you feel this worry? What do you think this worry would look like?

Let’s draw it!

  • What do you think this worry looks like?
  • What colour do you think it is?
  • How big is it?
  • What does it feel like?
Now it is on paper, what would you say to your worry? Is there anything that you can do to make you feel better?

Role Play is a great way to learn to cope with emotions as children can act out their emotions in a situation where they are in control.
Today for some role play, let’s be superheroes! πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ’₯ I want you to make your own superhero costume using whatever you can find around the house, it could be a pillowcase for a cape or goggles as your super power glasses.

Once you have your costume and are a powerful superhero you can take your worry drawing and crumple it up!

What else can you do with your new powers?


We would love to see pictures of your drawings or if you dressed up if you would like to send to myself or your child’s key worker 😊
Louise x πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ’₯

Nursery Lane πŸ£πŸ©πŸš’πŸš‘

Good afternoon everyone,

The staff here have been very busy getting the ECC all ready for your return, which we cannot wait for.

Welcome to Nursery Lane….

Role play has many benefits for children’s learning and development;

  • develop communication and language skills.
  • allows children to act out and make sense of the world.
  • allows children to explore, investigate and experiment.
  • develops social skills as children collaborate with others.
  • encourages children to express their ideas and feelings.
  • develops children’s awareness of themselves and others.
  • sparks creativity and imagination

We can’t wait for all our children to be back to explore our new Nursery Lane…keep a look out for even more changes coming!!

Maria ❀️


πŸŒ±πŸ¦†πŸ΄πŸ„Tuesday 2nd February- Mindfulness Safari Walk

Mindfulness is a great way of clearing your mind and becoming more aware of your surrounding environment.Β  It allows us to live in the present moment and appreciate what is around us. πŸŒ±πŸ‚πŸ„

A safari walk is a great way to introduce mindfulness to children and can turn an everyday walk into an exciting adventure.

On your safari walk your aim is to notice as many birds, bugs, creepy crawlies and other animals as you can.Β  Try and spot anything that walks, swims or flies. πŸπŸ¦†πŸ”πŸ¦πŸ¦‰πŸ΄πŸŒπŸ•·πŸ„πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ¦”πŸ¦‘ Β Look at how amazing they are! What sounds can you hear? Can you hear birds chirping?Β  What can you feel? The cold breeze on your skin?

To do this young children need to focus all of their senses and it creates a state of awareness to the present moment and an appreciation of the world and nature around us.

During this second lockdown, which may be causing added stress for both adults and children it is important to make a little time each day to clear our minds.

Wishing you all a calm and mindful day, πŸ’›πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’™



Children’s Mental Health Week

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a little note to say that as we enter into another week of national lockdown, it is understandable that we may be feeling a little low. Having the children at home juggling work and home learning this can cause amounts of stress and anxiety. It is imperative now more than ever that we take care of not just our own mental health but that of our children, as these changes will be affecting them also.

This week we will be exploring different ways in which if we can just take 5-10 minutes out daily and do these activities with our children this will hopefully encourage more positive outcomes.

Please click on following link for more details.

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